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Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy (Read 1057 times)
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #15 - Oct 7th, 2024 at 7:49pm
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his sword) made approximately 50 Muslim-majority countries in the world. These are to fight each other with faith and obedience. Death is glorious for the righteous, the believers and the swords-men.
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #16 - Oct 7th, 2024 at 7:49pm
Laugh till you cry wrote on Oct 7th, 2024 at 7:37pm:
The only reason Israel was created was that UK, Europe, US, Canada, and Australia didn't want WW2 Jewish refugees.

Established Jews in Australia and these other countries opposed mass Jewish refugee entry to those countries.

The situation is now different and Israeli Jews can make a home in other countries.

... A big part of this story is the reluctance by the world, including the United States, to resettle these Jews.

A painful, painful story. We have grown up – Jews who were children in the 1950s – with the belief that after six million had died, America, having neglected to assist the Jews, when the war is over opened its arms and gates to the survivors and they poured in. The reality is very, very different.
The United States in ’45, ’46, ’47, ’48, ’49, kept out the Jewish survivors. Every nation on earth kept the Jews from resettling
. ...

... What accounted for the reluctance of the U.S. to absorb what, at a few hundred thousand, does not sound like very many people?

An abiding anti-Semitism is not the whole reason. Jews were considered subversives, communists, rebels, troublemakers, and the world war quickly gave way to cold war, and with it the notion that Hitler had been defeated and what we have to worry about is the communists. This was a lie that Hitler had told over and over again, that the Jews are not only a biological poison but subversives. ...

... There is no doubt that the British upper classes and governing classes were frighteningly anti-Semitic and had always been so. But more than that, the British realized at the end of the war – and it is not Churchill in power, but the Labour government that had always been friendly to the Jews – that Great Britain is no longer a great power. India would have to be given up, the empire will shrink and in order to maintain any standing and economic leverage they have to hold onto the Middle East and be friendly with the Arabs. The only way to do that is to restrict Jewish immigration. ...

... From 1945 onward American immigration policy was based not on reality but on lies and falsehoods. The Jewish survivors were kept out because they were accused of being communists, when the vast majority were not sympathizers or operatives or spies, but this lie determined U.S. refugee policy. ...

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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #17 - Oct 7th, 2024 at 7:59pm
Well - they took out nuclear development facilities before - they'll have to do it again before there is too much progress on bomb-making.
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #18 - Oct 7th, 2024 at 8:05pm
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 7th, 2024 at 7:59pm:
Well - they took out nuclear development facilities before - they'll have to do it again before there is too much progress on bomb-making.

The whole ME/world is aware of Israel's Samson Option. I doubt anyone will try to drive them into the sea with that as the inevitable consequence.
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #19 - Oct 7th, 2024 at 8:51pm
Setanta wrote on Oct 7th, 2024 at 7:49pm:

Australian Zionist ground zero, Bvr's garage 2023-24 Zionists and mass murder and genocide lovers assembled to cheer the deaths of unarmed peaceful Palestinian women and children and excite themselves with stories of sodomy of Palestinian prisoners by Israeli Jews.

Israeli Jews murder unarmed, peaceful women and children because they don't shoot back and are easier to kill than armed Hamas freedom fighters.
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #20 - Oct 8th, 2024 at 7:27am
Armchair_Politician wrote on Oct 7th, 2024 at 2:45pm:
UN - Useless Network

The United Nations can ONLY act within its own terms of reference, granted on its formation by the USA and the Soviet Union

It's powers are LIMITED to making RECOMMENDATIONS

It cannot ORDER any nation to do ANYTHING

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Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #21 - Oct 8th, 2024 at 12:08pm
aquascoot wrote on Oct 7th, 2024 at 6:05pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Oct 7th, 2024 at 5:19pm:
aquascoot wrote on Oct 7th, 2024 at 4:59pm:
the whole history of humankind ...

...until the UN Charter was created in 1945 when everyones' brains were seared by the image of that mushroom clound over Hiroshima, a turning point in history -  destruction of the entire species, not just one tribe, was now possible.

is that , if you didnt stand up for yourself and fight neighbours, you no longer exist.

Obsolete ideation, in the age of MAD.

so israel either destroys its neighbours or disappears like 1000's before them

Israel can't destroy 5 million Paslestinians living right next door. 

i'm putting my money on a nuclear israel to not go down without a fight

Yeh ....the ideation of a war monger, in the age of MAD.

the surrounding muslims think they are off to paradise if they go down in this fight

its a wonderful co-dependant .sado masochistic relationship.

steven covey would call it  "constructing the win/win "

"Habit 4: Think Win-Win®
Approach each situation looking for ways everyone can win.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood®"

hmm... beats MAD anytime, I'll agree.

its a win for the palestinians who get to go to paradise and its a win for israel who get to exist

Not the sort of "winning" your hero Covey had in mind... I suggest you actually  listen to Covey. 
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #22 - Oct 8th, 2024 at 12:13pm
buzzanddidj wrote on Oct 8th, 2024 at 7:27am:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Oct 7th, 2024 at 2:45pm:
UN - Useless Network

The United Nations can ONLY act within its own terms of reference, granted on its formation by the USA and the Soviet Union

It's powers are LIMITED to making RECOMMENDATIONS

It cannot ORDER any nation to do ANYTHING

Correct, so superficial  thinkers like A-P decide the UN is "useless", without investigating WHY its powers were limited by the US and USSR....

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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #23 - Oct 8th, 2024 at 12:18pm
chimera wrote on Oct 7th, 2024 at 6:23pm:
'Estimates of Israel's stockpile range between 90 and 400 nuclear warheads.' These cause say, 50-100,000 deaths each.  4mill.- 40mill. deaths.
Populations are 90mill Iran. 5mill Lebanon. Israel 9mill. 
Ukraine 37 mill. but Putin's are bigger.

"Freedom or death" neanderthals love it...
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #24 - Oct 13th, 2024 at 2:41pm
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We are benefiting from ... the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.

Benjamin Netanyahu, quoted in Ma’ariv, 16 April 2008
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #25 - Oct 16th, 2024 at 8:19pm
Article 9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 13/2: Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 17/2: No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted as General Assembly Resolution 217 A (III), 10 December 1948, the day before Resolution 194 declared the unconditional right of the Palestinian refugees to return to their homes.

By the beginning of June, the list of villages obliterated included many that had until then been protected by nearby kibbutzim. This was the fate of several villages in the Gaza district: Najd, Burayr, Simsim, Kawfakha, Muharraqa and Huj. Their destruction appeared to have come as a genuine shock to nearby kibbutzim when they learned how these friendly villages had been savagely assaulted, their houses destroyed and all their people expelled. On the land of Huj, Ariel Sharon built his private residence, Havat Hashikmim, a ranch that covers 5000 dunam of the village’s fields.

Despite the ongoing negotiations by the UN mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte, to broker a truce, the ethnic cleansing moved on unhindered. With obvious satisfaction Ben-Gurion wrote in his diary on 5 June 1948, ‘We occupied today Yibneh (there was no serious resistance) and Qaqun. Here the cleansing [tihur] operation continues; have not heard from the other fronts.’ Indeed, by the end of May his diary had reflected a renewed interest in the ethnic cleansing. With the help of Yossef Weitz, he compiled a list of the names of the villages taken, the size of their lands and the number of people expelled, which he meticulously entered in his diary. The language is no longer guarded: ‘This is the list of the occupied and evicted [mefunim] villages.’ Two days later, he convened a meeting in his own house to assess how much money had meanwhile been looted from the banks of the ‘Arabs’, and how many citrus groves and other assets had been confiscated...

Like a ferocious storm gathering force, the Israeli troops no longer spared anyone in their destructive zeal. All means became legitimate, including burning down houses where dynamite had become scarce and torching the fields and remains of a Palestinian village they had attacked. The escalation of the Israeli army’s cleansing operation was the outcome of (reports) that villagers were trying to return to their homes, so (Ben-Gurion) had decided to instruct the army to prevent this at all costs. To make sure that the more liberal-minded among his government members would not object to this policy, Ben-Gurion demanded prior approval, and was duly given carte blanche to proceed on 16 June 1948.

Increased callousness was also part of the Israeli response to a brief spurt of activity by the Arab armies in early June. The latter’s artillery bombarded whatever was in range, and the Egyptian air force attacked Tel Aviv four or five times, scoring a direct hit on Ben-Gurion’s home on 4 June that caused only limited damage. The Israeli air force retaliated by shelling the Arab capitals, resulting in a considerable number of casualties...

The Egyptians were also able to hold on to the Palestinian town of Isdud on the coast and some inner enclaves in the Naqab (the Negev), as well as the villages south-west of Jerusalem, for quite some time. Realising they might have bitten off more than they could chew for the moment, the Israelis now accepted the offer by the UN mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte, for a truce.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Prof.  Ilan Pappe; Chapter 7: The Escalation of the Cleansing Operations: June–September 1948
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We are benefiting from ... the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.

Benjamin Netanyahu, quoted in Ma’ariv, 16 April 2008
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #26 - Oct 18th, 2024 at 5:43pm
wombatwoody wrote on Oct 16th, 2024 at 8:19pm:
Article 9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 13/2: Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 17/2: No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted as General Assembly Resolution 217 A (III), 10 December 1948, the day before Resolution 194 declared the unconditional right of the Palestinian refugees to return to their homes.

By the beginning of June, the list of villages obliterated included many that had until then been protected by nearby kibbutzim. This was the fate of several villages in the Gaza district: Najd, Burayr, Simsim, Kawfakha, Muharraqa and Huj. Their destruction appeared to have come as a genuine shock to nearby kibbutzim when they learned how these friendly villages had been savagely assaulted, their houses destroyed and all their people expelled. On the land of Huj, Ariel Sharon built his private residence, Havat Hashikmim, a ranch that covers 5000 dunam of the village’s fields.

Despite the ongoing negotiations by the UN mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte, to broker a truce, the ethnic cleansing moved on unhindered. With obvious satisfaction Ben-Gurion wrote in his diary on 5 June 1948, ‘We occupied today Yibneh (there was no serious resistance) and Qaqun. Here the cleansing [tihur] operation continues; have not heard from the other fronts.’ Indeed, by the end of May his diary had reflected a renewed interest in the ethnic cleansing. With the help of Yossef Weitz, he compiled a list of the names of the villages taken, the size of their lands and the number of people expelled, which he meticulously entered in his diary. The language is no longer guarded: ‘This is the list of the occupied and evicted [mefunim] villages.’ Two days later, he convened a meeting in his own house to assess how much money had meanwhile been looted from the banks of the ‘Arabs’, and how many citrus groves and other assets had been confiscated...

Like a ferocious storm gathering force, the Israeli troops no longer spared anyone in their destructive zeal. All means became legitimate, including burning down houses where dynamite had become scarce and torching the fields and remains of a Palestinian village they had attacked. The escalation of the Israeli army’s cleansing operation was the outcome of (reports) that villagers were trying to return to their homes, so (Ben-Gurion) had decided to instruct the army to prevent this at all costs. To make sure that the more liberal-minded among his government members would not object to this policy, Ben-Gurion demanded prior approval, and was duly given carte blanche to proceed on 16 June 1948.

Increased callousness was also part of the Israeli response to a brief spurt of activity by the Arab armies in early June. The latter’s artillery bombarded whatever was in range, and the Egyptian air force attacked Tel Aviv four or five times, scoring a direct hit on Ben-Gurion’s home on 4 June that caused only limited damage. The Israeli air force retaliated by shelling the Arab capitals, resulting in a considerable number of casualties...

The Egyptians were also able to hold on to the Palestinian town of Isdud on the coast and some inner enclaves in the Naqab (the Negev), as well as the villages south-west of Jerusalem, for quite some time. Realising they might have bitten off more than they could chew for the moment, the Israelis now accepted the offer by the UN mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte, for a truce.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Prof.  Ilan Pappe; Chapter 7: The Escalation of the Cleansing Operations: June–September 1948


Obviously the UN should never have voted on the Palestine Partition Plan, until it had the necessary forces in place to stop any violence between Arabs and Jews. 

Now, 75 years later, Israel - being the stronger party -  is gunning for total annihilation and unconditional surrender of its enemy. Netanyahu has told us there will be no Palestinian state.

Ironic that one of the UN's first acts - recognition of a new state - has resulted in another war of annihilation, the very horror the UN was supposed to prevent.

Can the UN bring its baby back into line, and implement UN res 181, as desired by most of the UN's member states?

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« Last Edit: Oct 18th, 2024 at 5:49pm by thegreatdivide »  
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Wombat  NSW
Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #27 - Oct 21st, 2024 at 9:58pm
thegreatdivide wrote on Oct 18th, 2024 at 5:43pm:
wombatwoody wrote on Oct 16th, 2024 at 8:19pm:
Article 9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 13/2: Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 17/2: No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted as General Assembly Resolution 217 A (III), 10 December 1948, the day before Resolution 194 declared the unconditional right of the Palestinian refugees to return to their homes.

By the beginning of June, the list of villages obliterated included many that had until then been protected by nearby kibbutzim. This was the fate of several villages in the Gaza district: Najd, Burayr, Simsim, Kawfakha, Muharraqa and Huj. Their destruction appeared to have come as a genuine shock to nearby kibbutzim when they learned how these friendly villages had been savagely assaulted, their houses destroyed and all their people expelled. On the land of Huj, Ariel Sharon built his private residence, Havat Hashikmim, a ranch that covers 5000 dunam of the village’s fields.

Despite the ongoing negotiations by the UN mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte, to broker a truce, the ethnic cleansing moved on unhindered. With obvious satisfaction Ben-Gurion wrote in his diary on 5 June 1948, ‘We occupied today Yibneh (there was no serious resistance) and Qaqun. Here the cleansing [tihur] operation continues; have not heard from the other fronts.’ Indeed, by the end of May his diary had reflected a renewed interest in the ethnic cleansing. With the help of Yossef Weitz, he compiled a list of the names of the villages taken, the size of their lands and the number of people expelled, which he meticulously entered in his diary. The language is no longer guarded: ‘This is the list of the occupied and evicted [mefunim] villages.’ Two days later, he convened a meeting in his own house to assess how much money had meanwhile been looted from the banks of the ‘Arabs’, and how many citrus groves and other assets had been confiscated...

Like a ferocious storm gathering force, the Israeli troops no longer spared anyone in their destructive zeal. All means became legitimate, including burning down houses where dynamite had become scarce and torching the fields and remains of a Palestinian village they had attacked. The escalation of the Israeli army’s cleansing operation was the outcome of (reports) that villagers were trying to return to their homes, so (Ben-Gurion) had decided to instruct the army to prevent this at all costs. To make sure that the more liberal-minded among his government members would not object to this policy, Ben-Gurion demanded prior approval, and was duly given carte blanche to proceed on 16 June 1948.

Increased callousness was also part of the Israeli response to a brief spurt of activity by the Arab armies in early June. The latter’s artillery bombarded whatever was in range, and the Egyptian air force attacked Tel Aviv four or five times, scoring a direct hit on Ben-Gurion’s home on 4 June that caused only limited damage. The Israeli air force retaliated by shelling the Arab capitals, resulting in a considerable number of casualties...

The Egyptians were also able to hold on to the Palestinian town of Isdud on the coast and some inner enclaves in the Naqab (the Negev), as well as the villages south-west of Jerusalem, for quite some time. Realising they might have bitten off more than they could chew for the moment, the Israelis now accepted the offer by the UN mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte, for a truce.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Prof.  Ilan Pappe; Chapter 7: The Escalation of the Cleansing Operations: June–September 1948


Much much more. We're talking about crimes against humanity. Note the entry in Ben-Gurion's diary:

‘We occupied today Yibneh (there was no serious resistance) and Qaqun. Here the cleansing [tihur] operation continues; have not heard from the other fronts.’

It doesn't get clearer than that. Yet there are some here who think that the Nakba is nothing but Islamic propaganda.

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We are benefiting from ... the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.

Benjamin Netanyahu, quoted in Ma’ariv, 16 April 2008
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #28 - Oct 30th, 2024 at 7:01pm
By 8 July 1948 the first truce had come to an end. It took the UN mediator, Count Folke Bernadotte, ten days to negotiate another one, which came into effect on 18 July. As we have seen, 15 May 1948 may have been a very significant date for the ‘real war’ between Israel and the Arab armies, but it was totally insignificant for the ethnic cleansing operations. The same goes for the two periods of truce – they were notable landmarks for the former but irrelevant for the latter, with one qualification, perhaps: it proved easier during the actual fighting to conduct large-scale cleansing operations as the Israelis did between the two truces, when they expelled the populations of the two towns of Lydd and Ramla, altogether 70,000 people, and again after the second truce, when they resumed the large-scale ethnic cleansing of Palestine with huge operations of uprooting, deportation and depopulation in both the south and the north of the country.

From 9 July, the day after the first truce ended, the sporadic fighting between the Israeli army and the Arab units from Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon continued for another ten days. In less than two weeks, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians had been expelled from their villages, towns and cities. The UN ‘peace’ plan had resulted in people being intimidated and terrorised by psychological warfare, heavy shelling of civilian populations, expulsions, seeing relatives being executed, and wives and daughters abused, robbed and in several cases, raped. By July, most of their houses had gone, dynamited by Israeli sappers. There was no international intervention the Palestinians could hope for in 1948, nor could they count on outside concern about the atrocious reality evolving in Palestine. Neither did help come from the UN observers, scores of whom roamed the country at close hand ‘observing’ the barbarisation and killings, but were unwilling, or unable, to do anything about them.

One United Nations emissary was different. Count Folke Bernadotte had arrived in Palestine on 20 May and stayed there until Jewish terrorists murdered him in September for having ‘dared’ to put forward a proposal to re-divide the country in half, and to demand the unconditional return of all the refugees. He had already called for the refugees’ repatriation during the first truce, which had been ignored, and when he repeated his recommendation in the final report he submitted to the UN, he was assassinated. Still, it is thanks to Bernadotte that in December 1948, the UN General Assembly posthumously adopted his legacy and recommended the unqualified return of all the refugees Israel had expelled, one of a host of UN resolutions Israel has systematically ignored. As president of the Swedish Red Cross, Bernadotte had been instrumental in saving Jews from the Nazis during the Second World War and this was why the Israeli government had agreed to his appointment as a UN mediator: they had not expected him to try to do for the Palestinians what he had done for the Jews only a few years before.

Bernadotte succeeded in focusing international pressure of some kind on Israel, or he had at least produced the potential for such pressure. In order to counteract this, the Israeli architects of the ethnic cleansing program realised they would need to involve the state’s diplomats and the Foreign Ministry more directly. By July the political apparatus, the diplomatic corps and the military organisations within the new State of Israel were already working harmoniously together. Prior to July, it is not clear how much of the ethnic cleansing plan had been shared with Israeli diplomats and senior officials. However, when the results gradually became visible the government needed a public relations campaign to stymie adverse international responses, and began to involve and inform those officials responsible for producing the right image abroad – that of a liberal democracy in the making. Officials in the Foreign Ministry worked closely with the country’s intelligence officers, who would warn them in advance of the next stages in the cleansing operation, so as to ensure they would be kept hidden from the public eye.

~ The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Prof.  Ilan Pappe; Chapter 8: Completing the Job: October 1948–January 1949

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We are benefiting from ... the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.

Benjamin Netanyahu, quoted in Ma’ariv, 16 April 2008
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Laugh till you cry
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Re: Jewish terrorists murdered first UN peace envoy
Reply #29 - Oct 30th, 2024 at 7:07pm
Jews were the first terrorists in the Middle East.
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Please don't thank me. Effusive fawning and obeisance of disciples, mendicants, and foot-kissers embarrass me.
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