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The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part (Read 1207 times)
Laugh till you cry
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #15 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 12:04pm
Ground zero for the centre of world hatred is Tel Aviv the home of hate.

Hate is the only emotion Israeli Jews are capable of.

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« Last Edit: Oct 9th, 2024 at 1:33pm by Laugh till you cry »  

Please don't thank me. Effusive fawning and obeisance of disciples, mendicants, and foot-kissers embarrass me.
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #16 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 3:54pm
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:25am:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 8th, 2024 at 7:41pm:
"Who continually takes the against side of:
Any topic about Muslims ?
Any topic about Homosexuals
Any Topic about Aboriginals
Any Topic about any race
Any Trans Topic. etc"

The mad lovey-dovey types... they take the against side on proper control of Muslim often outrageous and vastly illegal behaviour;  they take the against side to Israel's legitimate need to defend itself and its people from the most vile acts in recent history; refuse to see that most don't GAR about poofs etc and are sick of the Poof Wars On Society based on their personal issues; they take the against side on any genuine effort to rectify Aboriginal problems of their own making; take the against side against anything of White race; accept with alacrity and lack of thought the very basic ideas of chopping people and especially children on the basis of purported 'feelings'....

I will happily take the against side against any of those current social atrocities that are destroying this nation and its people - and not least against those who somehow feel Entitled™ to impose their final solution of these matters on all others.

Justice Is Coming!

Israel's legitimate need to defend itself

Killing over 40,000 innocent people trying ethnically cleanse palestine while having little to no impact on Hamas is not only their own atrocity but can only achieve the opposite of their claimed intent. They have created a situation where the next 5 generations will be continuing this fight. Creating more enemies is not a solution.

Most people clearly see that the Hamas atrocities should be condemned and prosecuted they also should see that Israeli atrocities should face the same condemnation and penalties.

This situation is wrong V wrong, there is no right here at all.

Crap. Nonsense. Only moral cripples - and there are millions of you - see (ie invent) equivalence to defend evil.

Nobody would be dead if Hamas, elected and supported by Gazans, had not carried out a massive pogrom a year ago and then scuttled back to Gaza to hide among and be hidden by civilians in civiian facilities. Nobody.
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #17 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 4:33pm
Dnarever wrote on Oct 8th, 2024 at 6:37am:
The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators

The left is virtually never extreme.

Looking at hatred even here and see where it comes from.

Find any I'm against someone topic and see who stands on the against them side? It's the right where extremism thrives.

Who continually takes the against side of:
Any topic about Muslims ?
Any topic about Homosexuals
Any Topic about Aboriginals
Any Topic about any race
Any Trans Topic. etc

Its always the supporters of the right. the same people over and over on every against people topic. It isn't just a coincidence. We recently had the Cronulla riots revived and surprise surprise surprise guess who was against the Lebanese. The exact same group of people who support the right and are all against every racial group every religious group not theirs every initiative that helps someone time after time after time, year after year.

You cannot come here to express how much you hate Muslims in the same breath that you are saying that the left are full of hate when there is years of clear evidence saying the exact opposite.

I put it all down to this current Swine Flu Pandemic


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Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #18 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 6:37pm
Frank wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 3:54pm:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:25am:

Israel's legitimate need to defend itself

Killing over 40,000 innocent people trying ethnically cleanse palestine while having little to no impact on Hamas is not only their own atrocity but can only achieve the opposite of their claimed intent. They have created a situation where the next 5 generations will be continuing this fight. Creating more enemies is not a solution.

Most people clearly see that the Hamas atrocities should be condemned and prosecuted they also should see that Israeli atrocities should face the same condemnation and penalties.

This situation is wrong V wrong, there is no right here at all.



Only moral cripples - and there are millions of you - see (ie invent) equivalence to defend evil.

Nobody would be dead if Hamas, elected and supported by Gazans, had not carried out a massive pogrom a year ago and then scuttled back to Gaza to hide among and be hidden by civilians in civiian facilities.


Exactly correct frank.

When Hamas or Hezbollah kill   >> a <<   Jew......this is   >> the Jihad <<   against the infidel.

Whereas, whenever Israelis [in response to an attack upon Israelis]
kill any moslem
[while targeting militants] its 'murder'
[because no one can definitively prove that those who were killed, were militants].
[because ISLAMIC militants do not wear uniforms or identify themselves as active militants.]

AND YET.......
we have all seen images, of moslem women & children,
in order to encourage other moslems to participate in 'the Cause Of Allah'
[aka JIHAD, or Holy Fighting].



"As to the relationship between Muslims and infidels,...

....Battle, animosity, and hatred -- directed from the Muslim to the infidel --
is the foundation of our religion.."

- Osama Bin Laden

ISLAM's way      of achieving 'peace'     explained - according to Osama Bin Laden...
Advice to real moslems, on how to be 'rightly guided' in your worldly relationships with infidels.

November 10, 2008
Raymond Ibrahim: "Islam's Doctrines of Deception"


"As to the relationship between Muslims and infidels, this is summarized by the Most High's Word: ‘We renounce you. Enmity and hate shall forever reign between us -- till you believe in Allah alone’ [Koran 60:4].
So there is an enmity, evidenced by fierce hostility from the heart. And this fierce hostility -- that is, battle -- ceases only if the infidel submits to the authority of Islam, or if his blood is forbidden from being shed [i.e., a dhimmi], or if Muslims are at that point in time weak and incapable [i.e., taqiyya].

But if the hate at any time extinguishes from the heart, this is great apostasy!

Such, then, is the basis and foundation of the relationship between the infidel and the Muslim.
Battle, animosity, and hatred -- directed from the Muslim to the infidel -- is the foundation of our religion.
And we consider this a justice and kindness to them" (from The Al Qaeda Reader).
.....It bears repeating that this hostile world view is well supported by all of Islam’s schools of jurisprudence."

n.b. the words....

".....But if the hate at any time extinguishes
from the heart [of a moslem],
this is great apostasy!"



How Circumstance Dictates Islamic Behavior

January 18, 2012

Preach Peace When Weak, Wage War When Strong

"...all notions of peace with non-Muslims are based on circumstance.

When Muslims are weak, they should be peaceful; when strong, they should go on the offensive."

Sheikh Yassir al-Burhami - an ISLAMIC scholar and Egyptian Salafi leader


Yadda said.......

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #19 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 6:55pm
Population of Israel - 9 million.    Population of Australia - about three times that....

A terrorist organisation invades and kills 3600 Australians and kidnaps, murders, rapes etc another 600 within a limited area *......

Now then...... where's Albo with the limp lettuce leaves?  Where's Wong in the UN - where I'll swear she wants to be as our 'ambassador' on a heap - another $500k or so pa and no tax - when she 'retires' from a 'career' in politics - preaching the virtues of restraint and cease-fire to enable the terrorist to regroup and re-arm and plan to strike again?

Some juice here...... get yourself hooked into the soft underbelly of 'certain organisations' and you don't have to pay tax on earnings here..... by jingo there's some lurks and perks about for mates..... I'll bet La Gillard's organisation hooked to the UN is one such... and thus St Brittanny pays no tax on income here.

By golly - by gum .... they know how to swing that lead, you mark my words....

* maybe if it was Victoria we might just walk away....
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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\/ Peace man!

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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #20 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 7:54pm
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 6:55pm:
Population of Israel - 9 million.    Population of Australia - about three times that....

A terrorist organisation invades and kills 3600 Australians and kidnaps, murders, rapes etc another 600 within a limited area *......

Now then...... where's Albo with the limp lettuce leaves?  Where's Wong in the UN - where I'll swear she wants to be as our 'ambassador' on a heap - another $500k or so pa and no tax - when she 'retires' from a 'career' in politics - preaching the virtues of restraint and cease-fire to enable the terrorist to regroup and re-arm and plan to strike again?

Some juice here...... get yourself hooked into the soft underbelly of 'certain organisations' and you don't have to pay tax on earnings here..... by jingo there's some lurks and perks about for mates..... I'll bet La Gillard's organisation hooked to the UN is one such... and thus St Brittanny pays no tax on income here.

By golly - by gum .... they know how to swing that lead, you mark my words....

* maybe if it was Victoria we might just walk away....

It's simply a choice between barbarity and civilisation. I choose civilisation. I had always been kinda leaning to the Palestinian side until I saw the barbarity inflicted, in pictures, by their own hands, 1 year ago. I won't forget those images and videos, can't be unseen. The left has lost it's way in supporting barbarism from the comfort of civilisation.
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #21 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 8:20pm
Frank wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 3:54pm:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:25am:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 8th, 2024 at 7:41pm:
"Who continually takes the against side of:
Any topic about Muslims ?
Any topic about Homosexuals
Any Topic about Aboriginals
Any Topic about any race
Any Trans Topic. etc"

The mad lovey-dovey types... they take the against side on proper control of Muslim often outrageous and vastly illegal behaviour;  they take the against side to Israel's legitimate need to defend itself and its people from the most vile acts in recent history; refuse to see that most don't GAR about poofs etc and are sick of the Poof Wars On Society based on their personal issues; they take the against side on any genuine effort to rectify Aboriginal problems of their own making; take the against side against anything of White race; accept with alacrity and lack of thought the very basic ideas of chopping people and especially children on the basis of purported 'feelings'....

I will happily take the against side against any of those current social atrocities that are destroying this nation and its people - and not least against those who somehow feel Entitled™ to impose their final solution of these matters on all others.

Justice Is Coming!

Israel's legitimate need to defend itself

Killing over 40,000 innocent people trying ethnically cleanse palestine while having little to no impact on Hamas is not only their own atrocity but can only achieve the opposite of their claimed intent. They have created a situation where the next 5 generations will be continuing this fight. Creating more enemies is not a solution.

Most people clearly see that the Hamas atrocities should be condemned and prosecuted they also should see that Israeli atrocities should face the same condemnation and penalties.

This situation is wrong V wrong, there is no right here at all.

Crap. Nonsense. Only moral cripples - and there are millions of you - see (ie invent) equivalence to defend evil.

Nobody would be dead if Hamas, elected and supported by Gazans, had not carried out a massive pogrom a year ago and then scuttled back to Gaza to hide among and be hidden by civilians in civiian facilities. Nobody.

Nobody would be dead

Israel have been keeping Palestine in the worlds largest open air prison for about 70 years they have been continually opening new settlements (stealing more and more palestinian land and displacing palestinians for decades). They have been killing hundreds of Palestinians about 600 between 2007 and when Hamas attacked, yes the ADF have been killing palestinians for decades. The fact is that had Hamas done nothing palestinians would still have been killed.
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #22 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 8:30pm
Setanta wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 7:54pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 6:55pm:
Population of Israel - 9 million.    Population of Australia - about three times that....

A terrorist organisation invades and kills 3600 Australians and kidnaps, murders, rapes etc another 600 within a limited area *......

Now then...... where's Albo with the limp lettuce leaves?  Where's Wong in the UN - where I'll swear she wants to be as our 'ambassador' on a heap - another $500k or so pa and no tax - when she 'retires' from a 'career' in politics - preaching the virtues of restraint and cease-fire to enable the terrorist to regroup and re-arm and plan to strike again?

Some juice here...... get yourself hooked into the soft underbelly of 'certain organisations' and you don't have to pay tax on earnings here..... by jingo there's some lurks and perks about for mates..... I'll bet La Gillard's organisation hooked to the UN is one such... and thus St Brittanny pays no tax on income here.

By golly - by gum .... they know how to swing that lead, you mark my words....

* maybe if it was Victoria we might just walk away....

It's simply a choice between barbarity and civilisation. I choose civilisation. I had always been kinda leaning to the Palestinian side until I saw the barbarity inflicted, in pictures, by their own hands, 1 year ago. I won't forget those images and videos, can't be unseen. The left has lost it's way in supporting barbarism from the comfort of civilisation.

choice between barbarity and civilisation

How do you attempt to racially cleans a people killing over 40,000 innocent civilians mostly women and children in a civilised manner ?

The reality is that in this case it is a choice between barbarity and barbarity.

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\/ Peace man!

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Northern NSW
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #23 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 8:56pm
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 8:30pm:
Setanta wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 7:54pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 6:55pm:
Population of Israel - 9 million.    Population of Australia - about three times that....

A terrorist organisation invades and kills 3600 Australians and kidnaps, murders, rapes etc another 600 within a limited area *......

Now then...... where's Albo with the limp lettuce leaves?  Where's Wong in the UN - where I'll swear she wants to be as our 'ambassador' on a heap - another $500k or so pa and no tax - when she 'retires' from a 'career' in politics - preaching the virtues of restraint and cease-fire to enable the terrorist to regroup and re-arm and plan to strike again?

Some juice here...... get yourself hooked into the soft underbelly of 'certain organisations' and you don't have to pay tax on earnings here..... by jingo there's some lurks and perks about for mates..... I'll bet La Gillard's organisation hooked to the UN is one such... and thus St Brittanny pays no tax on income here.

By golly - by gum .... they know how to swing that lead, you mark my words....

* maybe if it was Victoria we might just walk away....

It's simply a choice between barbarity and civilisation. I choose civilisation. I had always been kinda leaning to the Palestinian side until I saw the barbarity inflicted, in pictures, by their own hands, 1 year ago. I won't forget those images and videos, can't be unseen. The left has lost it's way in supporting barbarism from the comfort of civilisation.

choice between barbarity and civilisation

How do you attempt to racially cleans a people killing over 40,000 innocent civilians mostly women and children in a civilised manner ?

The reality is that in this case it is a choice between barbarity and barbarity.

The Left has lost it's way/ Cry
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #24 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:05pm
Setanta wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 8:56pm:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 8:30pm:
Setanta wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 7:54pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 6:55pm:
Population of Israel - 9 million.    Population of Australia - about three times that....

A terrorist organisation invades and kills 3600 Australians and kidnaps, murders, rapes etc another 600 within a limited area *......

Now then...... where's Albo with the limp lettuce leaves?  Where's Wong in the UN - where I'll swear she wants to be as our 'ambassador' on a heap - another $500k or so pa and no tax - when she 'retires' from a 'career' in politics - preaching the virtues of restraint and cease-fire to enable the terrorist to regroup and re-arm and plan to strike again?

Some juice here...... get yourself hooked into the soft underbelly of 'certain organisations' and you don't have to pay tax on earnings here..... by jingo there's some lurks and perks about for mates..... I'll bet La Gillard's organisation hooked to the UN is one such... and thus St Brittanny pays no tax on income here.

By golly - by gum .... they know how to swing that lead, you mark my words....

* maybe if it was Victoria we might just walk away....

It's simply a choice between barbarity and civilisation. I choose civilisation. I had always been kinda leaning to the Palestinian side until I saw the barbarity inflicted, in pictures, by their own hands, 1 year ago. I won't forget those images and videos, can't be unseen. The left has lost it's way in supporting barbarism from the comfort of civilisation.

choice between barbarity and civilisation

How do you attempt to racially cleans a people killing over 40,000 innocent civilians mostly women and children in a civilised manner ?

The reality is that in this case it is a choice between barbarity and barbarity.

The Left has lost it's way/ Cry

The right have always been going the wrong way, they much prefer it.
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\/ Peace man!

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Northern NSW
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #25 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:12pm
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:05pm:
Setanta wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 8:56pm:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 8:30pm:
Setanta wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 7:54pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 6:55pm:
Population of Israel - 9 million.    Population of Australia - about three times that....

A terrorist organisation invades and kills 3600 Australians and kidnaps, murders, rapes etc another 600 within a limited area *......

Now then...... where's Albo with the limp lettuce leaves?  Where's Wong in the UN - where I'll swear she wants to be as our 'ambassador' on a heap - another $500k or so pa and no tax - when she 'retires' from a 'career' in politics - preaching the virtues of restraint and cease-fire to enable the terrorist to regroup and re-arm and plan to strike again?

Some juice here...... get yourself hooked into the soft underbelly of 'certain organisations' and you don't have to pay tax on earnings here..... by jingo there's some lurks and perks about for mates..... I'll bet La Gillard's organisation hooked to the UN is one such... and thus St Brittanny pays no tax on income here.

By golly - by gum .... they know how to swing that lead, you mark my words....

* maybe if it was Victoria we might just walk away....

It's simply a choice between barbarity and civilisation. I choose civilisation. I had always been kinda leaning to the Palestinian side until I saw the barbarity inflicted, in pictures, by their own hands, 1 year ago. I won't forget those images and videos, can't be unseen. The left has lost it's way in supporting barbarism from the comfort of civilisation.

choice between barbarity and civilisation

How do you attempt to racially cleans a people killing over 40,000 innocent civilians mostly women and children in a civilised manner ?

The reality is that in this case it is a choice between barbarity and barbarity.

The Left has lost it's way/ Cry

The right have always been going the wrong way, they much prefer it.

I've never been "Right" or I wasn't until the Left moved the goalposts. Apparently I might be an extreme right wing Islamophobe now.
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Aurora Complexus
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #26 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:22pm
"The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and parts of the left-liberal elite in politics and the media against our Jewish compatriots and the State of Israel since the barbaric massacre of innocent civilians on October 7, 2023, has directly fueled anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews."

Yes, it has Geert. If by "directly" you mean the Jewish State (or Zionist State, or Israel, whichever you prefer) killing tens of thousands of women and children.

This is Israel. Brutal and murderous, with the thin excuse of revenge. In its treatment of foreigners, more sadistic and evil than North Korea or Iran. If it's not stopped, quite capable of the sadism and evil of Nazi Germany.

These are bad people. Geert Wilders should be ashamed, and the OP should be ashamed.
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Aurora Complexus
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Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #27 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:34pm
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:05pm:
The right have always been going the wrong way, they much prefer it.

I was a Leftist just to be contrary. I was against everything but Soviet-line leftism. But I just got tired of losing arguments.

I'm hoping the US right get the same experience. I hope they retire to just being conservative and realize the US has not lurched to the left. Democrats are left of center, practically by definition. Our Labor party is left of center. The effective reponse to that, is to take a moderate right (conservative) position ... not to take a far right position led by internet demagogues.

When it comes right down to it, you have to get elected to wield the power of government. Far right or far left, only gets you a moulty Senator.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 59438
Gender: male
Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #28 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:35pm
Setanta wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:12pm:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:05pm:
Setanta wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 8:56pm:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 8:30pm:
Setanta wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 7:54pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 6:55pm:
Population of Israel - 9 million.    Population of Australia - about three times that....

A terrorist organisation invades and kills 3600 Australians and kidnaps, murders, rapes etc another 600 within a limited area *......

Now then...... where's Albo with the limp lettuce leaves?  Where's Wong in the UN - where I'll swear she wants to be as our 'ambassador' on a heap - another $500k or so pa and no tax - when she 'retires' from a 'career' in politics - preaching the virtues of restraint and cease-fire to enable the terrorist to regroup and re-arm and plan to strike again?

Some juice here...... get yourself hooked into the soft underbelly of 'certain organisations' and you don't have to pay tax on earnings here..... by jingo there's some lurks and perks about for mates..... I'll bet La Gillard's organisation hooked to the UN is one such... and thus St Brittanny pays no tax on income here.

By golly - by gum .... they know how to swing that lead, you mark my words....

* maybe if it was Victoria we might just walk away....

It's simply a choice between barbarity and civilisation. I choose civilisation. I had always been kinda leaning to the Palestinian side until I saw the barbarity inflicted, in pictures, by their own hands, 1 year ago. I won't forget those images and videos, can't be unseen. The left has lost it's way in supporting barbarism from the comfort of civilisation.

choice between barbarity and civilisation

How do you attempt to racially cleans a people killing over 40,000 innocent civilians mostly women and children in a civilised manner ?

The reality is that in this case it is a choice between barbarity and barbarity.

The Left has lost it's way/ Cry

The right have always been going the wrong way, they much prefer it.

I've never been "Right" or I wasn't until the Left moved the goalposts. Apparently I might be an extreme right wing Islamophobe now.

I wasn't until the Left moved the goalposts

Yes it was originally the left moving to the right as far back as Keating that forced the right to go further and further to the right.

This at the time with keating seemed to be successful, the right were not popular for a long time. In the end the community acclimated to the further right and people like Howard, Abbott and those that followed have taken Australia a long way to the right. Even the Left are further to the right than was traditional. Todays left is to the right of the Menzies governments and the right are just out there.

The successful political strategy of the 1990's has backfired badly on the Australian people.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 59438
Gender: male
Re: The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and part
Reply #29 - Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:41pm
Aurora Complexus wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:34pm:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9th, 2024 at 9:05pm:
The right have always been going the wrong way, they much prefer it.

I was a Leftist just to be contrary. I was against everything but Soviet-line leftism. But I just got tired of losing arguments.

I'm hoping the US right get the same experience. I hope they retire to just being conservative and realize the US has not lurched to the left. Democrats are left of center, practically by definition. Our Labor party is left of center. The effective reponse to that, is to take a moderate right (conservative) position ... not to take a far right position led by internet demagogues.

When it comes right down to it, you have to get elected to wield the power of government. Far right or far left, only gets you a moulty Senator.

realize the US has not lurched to the left.

In the US the left is just left compared to the right and not left of centre, the US have two parties of the right a centre right and a far right. The US have no left to lurch to.
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