Frank wrote on Oct 10
th, 2024 at 12:10am:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9
th, 2024 at 8:20pm:
Frank wrote on Oct 9
th, 2024 at 3:54pm:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 9
th, 2024 at 9:25am:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 8
th, 2024 at 7:41pm:
"Who continually takes the against side of:
Any topic about Muslims ?
Any topic about Homosexuals
Any Topic about Aboriginals
Any Topic about any race
Any Trans Topic. etc"
The mad lovey-dovey types... they take the against side on proper control of Muslim often outrageous and vastly illegal behaviour; they take the against side to Israel's legitimate need to defend itself and its people from the most vile acts in recent history; refuse to see that most don't GAR about poofs etc and are sick of the Poof Wars On Society based on their personal issues; they take the against side on any genuine effort to rectify Aboriginal problems of their own making; take the against side against anything of White race; accept with alacrity and lack of thought the very basic ideas of chopping people and especially children on the basis of purported 'feelings'....
I will happily take the against side against any of those current social atrocities that are destroying this nation and its people - and not least against those who somehow feel Entitled™ to impose their final solution of these matters on all others.
Justice Is Coming!
Quote: Israel's legitimate need to defend itself
Killing over 40,000 innocent people trying ethnically cleanse palestine while having little to no impact on Hamas is not only their own atrocity but can only achieve the opposite of their claimed intent. They have created a situation where the next 5 generations will be continuing this fight. Creating more enemies is not a solution.
Most people clearly see that the Hamas atrocities should be condemned and prosecuted they also should see that Israeli atrocities should face the same condemnation and penalties.
This situation is wrong V wrong, there is no right here at all.
Crap. Nonsense. Only moral cripples - and there are millions of you - see (ie invent) equivalence to defend evil.
Nobody would be dead if Hamas, elected and supported by Gazans, had not carried out a massive pogrom a year ago and then scuttled back to Gaza to hide among and be hidden by civilians in civiian facilities. Nobody.
Quote:Nobody would be dead
Israel have been keeping Palestine in the worlds largest open air prison for about 70 years they have been continually opening new settlements (stealing more and more palestinian land and displacing palestinians for decades). They have been killing hundreds of Palestinians about 600 between 2007 and when Hamas attacked, yes the ADF have been killing palestinians for decades. The fact is that had Hamas done nothing palestinians would still have been killed.
A stupid lie.
There is no 'open air prison'. There is relentless Paolo terrorism and rejection of Israel's right to exist.
There have been countless pallo terrorist atracatracckjs since 2006, many suicide attacks. The families of the 'martyrs' are glorified and paid by Western aid money.
There is no Palestine and Palestinian land. There is occupied territories that belong to no recognised, existing state. The Pallos could have had a state by now on those territories but they have rejected every single offer of statehood because accepting one would mean accepting the existence of Israel. They are not prepared to do that.
They spend a huge proportion of international aid money on terrorist infrastructure and weapons instead of building civil and social infrastructure.
Many other countries were created after WWII. The Pallos are the only ones who are still 'refugees' 75 years later BECAUSE they are refusing any and all settlement that includes the recognition and acceptance of Israel.
They are bring this mystery onto themselves every time they attack Israel. And they are moronic enough to be Iran's pawns this time around. They share the Islamic fanaticism. So I say, bugger 'em, in the most caring and nurturing way possible.
Look, it's true that Palestinians have spent too much of the foreign aid on building missiles and tunnels.
But not all. And remember that Israel has blocked some of the aid (for instance cement) which has dual purpose. Far fewer civilians could have died from airstrikes (which have been ongoing, as long as rocket attacks on Israel have been ongoing). Israel bombs apartment blocks, then claims success because the terrorist
might have been at home when his family was killed. And to return to my point, there is no need for a Hellfire missile to kill thirty people. The buildings are just rubbish, and you can't blame international aid for that. Only Israel.