Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 13
th, 2024 at 12:24am:
Aurora Complexus wrote on Oct 12
th, 2024 at 10:59pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 12
th, 2024 at 10:56pm:
Aurora Complexus wrote on Oct 12
th, 2024 at 10:49pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 12
th, 2024 at 10:40pm:
There is no rich Aboriginal history - life was short, nasty and brutish with perpetual conflicts and killing, all over extremely limited and hard to secure resources meaning that women and children were also killed rather than the behaviour of even the most low class pillagers and plunderers in history, who kept the pretty women... the diet was dismal, being of protein with little vegetable etc, leading to early death in most cases .... <etc>
Your source for this libel?
Aboriginal history.........
Of which I suppose you're a scholar.
Now for the others of us who haven't studied Aboriginal History like you have. Just give us some kind of source for Aboriginals being unhealthy from a deficient diet.
No need - plain as day. The traditional diet was largely protein and little vegetable - a sure recipe for lack of health and early death - as was and remains the case. Do you know how many of them die at forty from heart troubles? Why is that? Because they are immersed in a feast and famine feeding style, which was (as an Aboriginal I know said) 'lean meat', and a few yams and such... berries etc, but hardly a balanced diet. So when they enter the land of Plenty, and there IS a more balanced diet of vegetables with meat and such - they still go for the high protein fried chicken and burgers and similar, and as a result still have a lower life expectancy. The ongoing neglect of children in many cases also contributes to this ... heart disease is a complex set of issues... people who are often hungry when growing up develop a capacity to absorb and retain fat - so that often thin people can suffer serious heart problems ... when they grow up and can afford to eat, their body accepts that without question... after all - they once lived in Famine.... and they often die of what is called 'a silent heart attack'.
In a SHA, the heart arteries just clog and the heart stops with little or no pain... I had an Aboriginal mate sit down for a little rest on a bench and just quietly pass away without a murmur... closed his eyes for a little rest and was gone. 42 years old.
Much of that is diet.... and while better overall balanced nutrition in many cases extends life expectancy, many still die pretty young of heart artery problems and the imbalances often created by early disadvantage caused by neglect and abuse.
As I said - it's a very complex issue.
When you are ready - you may explain to the room why you believe Aboriginal life expectancy is still lower than The Rest.... go for it. It's not just because they kill one another at hugely higher rates.....
Of all the pig-ignorant horseshit.
it's one of two things ... either you just made all of that up or you've not bothered to update your primary school learning from the '60s.
A little from column A and a little from column B i suspect.
Either way absolutely everything you have written is just wrong. And you really shouldn't just make crap up. But you do. All the freaking time.
Your explanation of heart health being hilarious and notwithstanding, First Nations peoples had, depending on region, a huge plant based proportion of their diet. They were and are masters of plant lore and used what was around them in a myriad of ways, not least of all to eat. They are arguably the first ever makers of bread. They harvested everything from the fruit to the tuber and root and finely honed the usage of it.
Even commentary sympathetic with colonialism remarked on how healthy the Indigenous people appeared on first contact.
Secondly, i grow over-weary of hearing how short-lived and brutal they were supposed to have been. From a nation descendant of people so poorly treated and short lived, they were whipped and starved across to the other side of the world to be whipped and starved some more.
What was the life expectancy for a serf in Europe through most of recorded history? Or a peasant?
Anyone chopped up on field? Enslaved? Burnt at the stake for being raped? Or just getting on the wrong side of someone? Kept in servitude? Died from disease owing to pestilence, malnutrition and overcrowding?
Who is brutal? What does brutal even mean?
The First Nations peoples inhabited this land contiguously for at least 60,000 years and buggered absolutely nothing up.
I pity you who are blind to the deeply rich culture that formed from the human mind not preoccupied with conquest and control ... or from the effects of being either subjugated or jumping at shadows.
We have much, oh so much, to learn from them.i