Gnads wrote on Dec 3
rd, 2024 at 6:52pm:
No. I want to end the insanity of Musk soon being the world's first $trillionaire (equivalent to the entire wealth of Oz) and the hideous idea that billionaires "earned" their wealth by "hard work" , when the system enabled such grotesque accumulation of wealth to individuals.
some aware ("woke") billionaires are urging governments to impose higher taxes on rich people, before capitalism collapses.
Quote:Now what does that sound like???
"Dragging everyone down to the same level"? ...that's the Conservative lie: ending hideous wealth accumlaition by some, and curbing soaring inequality is NOT "bringing everyone down to the same level".
Only your blind Conservative ideology can lead you to that error.
Meantime, I'm educating you:"Money doesn't grow on rich people". Stephanie Kelton.
..provided government can have access to some of the nation's resources, before the rich comandeer them - like
Gina has comandeered $22 billion of Oz iron wealth (Oz resources) for herself, with the connivance of government.
Quote:Yes we are overtaxed ....
...while billionaires amd the wealthy know how to avoid taxes.
Quote:BHP, Fortesque and the Chinese own more Iron ore than Gina.
(sigh)the travails of educating Conservatives....
1. My answer is to
tax billionaires more , not "we" - spot the difference?
aware millionaires/billionaires are urging higher tax rates on the wealthy: google 'Patriotic Millionaires'.
2. BHP is the world's largest mining COMPANY, whose CEO earns a fraction of what Gina 'earns'.
And China has to BUY the stuff.
Quote:BS not when they own it.
Roy Hill Mining in WA is part owned by the Chinese - if anything Gine has been a middleman for Chinese interests ....... including The Kidman Cattle Co. portfolio.
Even if this is correct, Gina's holdings are a fraction of
the big three who are NOT owned by China.
Now, back to taxation: you can't address it after being shown how and why to address it...
Quote:You haven't shown how to address shyte.
The 2nd largest shareholder of Fortesque next to Andrew Forrest is
Hunan State-Owned Assets Supervision & Admin. CommissionAnd......THE LARGEST SHAREHOLDER in Rio Tinto is .....
Aluminum Corporation of China: The largest shareholder with 14.57% of the company.
You should do your homework better.
OK, I give in; China doesn't need to pay for Oz iron ore, because China already owns the ore, got it.
Yet China is importing over $100 billion of Oz ore annually, and
supporting the very shaky Oz Treasury as does that work?
After you explain that, you might address the taxation issue which had you very agitated a few posts back,
with you apparently not wanting to tax 'Gina's ore" wealth, (or any other grossly inequitable "earnings" attributed to all billionaires), wealth which in fact belongs to the Oz nation, despite your assertion it is "owned by the Chinese".
Quote:Stupid Australian politicians & greedy entrepreneurs.
Absolute assumptive bollocks.
Your knack for finally supplying the correct answer and then repudiating it is remarkable.
Listen carefully: Oz could eradicate poverty and much associated crime (and close the gap) if billionaires, millionaires and Oz's natural resources were properly taxed.