Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 21
st, 2024 at 3:25pm:
KangAnon wrote on Oct 21
st, 2024 at 1:47pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 21
st, 2024 at 1:34pm:
Now do yourself a favour - post your concepts one at a time - once the page runs out I just stop bothering responding to your endless monologue.
You are fundamentally wrong about all of the things you've mentioned, in many, many ways.
In short - again - Aborigine - Heal Thyself! Get out of the past, stop clinging to a lost delusion of an idyll in the warm sun, and get on with life.
Instead of piling on more demands, if you think I’m wrong, have the courage to articulate why, and let’s debate like adults.
If you’ve got better alternatives, don’t just hint at them, lay them out.
I’m actually interested in your insights on the issue.
.. except you never even respond to a single one of those.....
I did, multiple times, even on this very page. Why are you so scared of reality?
Edit: ok, well we're on the next page now, but on the previous page. Quote:Now then - how's your homework going? You know - don't crowd your page with too many issues to answer at one time and then whine that others won't respond to you.
Start again - which one of your copy and pastes do you wish to be responded to first? One at a time..
Footnote - in the Indian heron user's community - they call it poppy and caste...
I’ve answered your questions repeatedly, directly and without any of the deflections you seem so fond of. Meanwhile, you’ve consistently sidestepped and distracted, playing games instead of engaging in a real debate.
In the course of this, I asked some questions of my own, as any reasonable discussion demands. But predictably, you ignored them.
From the very start, I proposed setting some basic ground rules, but you outright refused, insisting I answer your questions while offering nothing in return. And like a fool, I went along, hoping against hope that you’d rise to the challenge and prove your whining about "abusive" accusations of bad faith wrong.
But, of course, you didn’t. You can’t. And you won’t. Because in truth, you are incapable of engaging in good faith at all.
You couldn't manage it even once, could you? It's become abundantly clear that engaging in any semblance of a good-faith discussion with you is utterly futile.
I've wasted far too much time maintaining a respectful tone, hoping, against all odds, that you'd rise to the occasion. But no, predictably, you cling to your one-sided demands, never once offering the reciprocity that is the bare minimum expectation in any civilised exchange.
Frankly, I don't know why I ever thought you were capable of more. You're nothing but a perpetually aggrieved, fragile excuse for a human, cowering from realities you lack the spine to confront.