Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Oct 25
th, 2024 at 2:07pm:
It is a place for legitimate political discussion - you destroyed that by assuming that everyone with a different view from your extremely narrow ones was the classical internet cardboard cutout character or a Racist/Bigot - and had no right or intelligence to form opinions and stat them.
That is patently untrue. The only individuals I would categorise as racist or bigoted are those who consistently resort to racial slurs and advocate for genocide or segregation based on race—just as you do.
Quote:See above for clear examples of your failings... that's you 'engaging in civilised discussion'... an absolutely laughable non-event.
You requested that I answer your questions, so I proposed a reset. I committed to treating you with respect and engaging in a good faith discussion.
Yet, you either refused or were incapable of reciprocating that respect. I provided you with multiple opportunities and reminded you of the civility we aimed to achieve, without invoking the phrase "in good faith" as you claimed this to be abusive, but you still lacked the integrity to engage meaningfully.
As a result, you will be treated no better than you have treated me and others who dissent from your views.
If you find this treatment objectionable, it does not make you a victim; it is merely a reflection of your own behaviour. Shocking as it may be, actions have consequences.
Quote:You use that nonsense, accompanied by the above kind of vicious diatribe, to cover over the reality that you do not answer questions and do not even attempt to discuss very serious issues for Australia, but prefer to hide b ehind your nasty little name-calling and bigotry against anything Ordinary Australian.
It's in black and white. I replied, in good faith, answering your questions, but you just ignored it. Or, do the multiple people running your account not talk to each other? /s
Quote:Now then, slack - what about that Apartheid proven time and again, and clearly along Aboriginal supremacist lines? When was the last time you were offered a freehold vast swathe of land instead of saving for a freehold block if you are lucky enough to be able to do so under this current government of two parties bent on subjugation of the 'lower classes'.
"Apartheid proven"?
Simply asserting that something is proven does not make it so—especially when you redefine terms to suit your narrative yet again.
The Uluru Statement is not about Indigenous supremacy; that’s merely a line you believe will resonate with individuals as bigoted as yourself. You are accustomed to viewing yourself as superior, so any effort to level the playing field is perceived as a personal affront to your perceived supremacy. This is a profound failing within you; it is not anyone else’s fault.
Your concerns clearly centre on Indigenous land rights, which is indeed a legitimate issue. However, when you frame it as "The Voice by stealth" and repeatedly lie to mask the other falsehoods you’ve perpetuated, genuine debate becomes impossible.
If your position is so weak that you must resort to lies to bolster it, perhaps it’s time to pause, reassess, and approach the matter anew. Yet, your stubbornness reveals that, like many with limited intellectual capacity, you equate admitting any mistake with losing the argument. That is a fundamental misunderstanding of how discourse operates.
Reevaluate your stance and engage with the facts and reality. You are entitled to critique the existing framework of Indigenous land rights as a legislative issue. However, when you justify your views by espousing violence—wishing for the annihilation of Indigenous peoples during colonisation, fantasising about imprisoning them in zoos, or using racial slurs—your position shifts from a legislative concern to a bigoted and racist diatribe.
It does not help that you label everything as "lawfare" or "The Voice by stealth" to claim that whatever issue you’re discussing is undemocratic simply because the referendum was defeated. Your bigoted views, underpinned by lies and misrepresentations of truth, combined with your incessant use of racial slurs while portraying yourself as a victim, invalidate any claims of unfair treatment you may assert in this forum.
You've cried wolf about "The Voice by Stealth" and "Lawfare" that those claims of yours have no meaning anymore, especially after you admitted to redefining what "The Voice" meant.
So cease your whining, stop being a racist tool, and strive to be better. If you genuinely desire a substantive debate, the door remains open. However, you must first demonstrate your capacity for meaningful engagement. Time and again, you have shown that this is far beyond your reach.