Dedenying Israel’s right to exist had become the new anti-Semitism. The truth of this statement was revealed at the UN: “In 2023 the UN General Assembly passed more than double the number of resolutions condemning Israel than the rest of the world combined.”
“Why is that?” Lowy asked Inquirer. “These are reasonable questions to ask. Israel is held to a different standard to any other country. Today Israel is probably the only state that is being questioned for its right to exist.”
Much of Israel’s behaviour is dictated precisely because it faces an openly declared threat to its existence – yet this central truth along with the monumental hypocrisy of the UN is virtually eliminated from most public debate and official pronouncements about the Middle East crisis.
Lowy said: “
The UN’s Human Rights Council Social Forum is currently chaired by Iran – a country that wants to be the dominant power in the Middle East and destroy Israel; funds and trains terrorists and subjugates its people.
“Even our language is being hijacked. Words like apartheid, genocide and colonisation are being weaponised to demonise Jews around the world and object to even Israel’s right to exist.“Israel is clearly not an apartheid state. It is one of the most pluralistic societies on earth. The term ‘genocide’ was developed by the Polish-Jewish jurist Raphael Lemkin in the wake of the Holocaust to define the crime of extermination of a race. It is now being deployed against Israel as it fights a just war against a merciless foe.
“It is countries like Iran and its surrogate terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas that openly advocate genocide of the Jewish people and use Palestinians as human shields. Why do they not protect their own people? And why does the media not give this the prominence it gives to criticism of Israel?
“Hamas is not interested in fighting for a Palestinian state, only killing as many Jews as possible and taking Palestinian civilians with them while they do it.”