Frank wrote on Nov 27
th, 2024 at 12:36pm:
KangAnon wrote on Nov 27
th, 2024 at 11:40am:
We all saw the comments, she was being blatantly and deliberately racist. Why such an obvious conclusion required a court’s intervention for some to accept, or strangely continue to deny, is beyond comprehension.
What’s equally baffling is how people like her can make these comments with clear, malicious intent, targeting and victimising others based on race or similar attributes, yet, when confronted, they suddenly transform into the supposed victims.
It couldn’t happen to a more deserving group.
The rate of immigration, including Asian and Muslim immigration, has been way too high. It is ok to say that. Asian and Muslim are not taboo words.
Faruqi, from Pakistan, was disrespectful of the sovereign she had sworn allegiance to, labelling her racist. Faruqi also labelled the polities of which the queen was sovereigng, including Australia where Faruqi is a Senator, as racist. "Piss off back to Pakistan if it's so racist here" - I second that riposte, like millions of others.
Remember, Sad and Mad, she was not told to piss off because she is from any particular place or of degree of tintedness. "Piss off back to Russia, Japan, South Africa, Egypt, Slovenia etc" would have been the correct response, too, if the innate duck had been from any of those countries.
Mehreen Faruqi@MehreenFaruqi
Condolences to those who knew the Queen.
I cannot mourn the leader of a racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples.
We are reminded of the urgency of Treaty with First Nations, justice & reparations for British colonies & becoming a republic is that 'we'? And why does Faruqi live in a country built on 'stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples'? Why did she swear allegiance to such a racist leader of a racist empire? Why does she draw a salary from such stolen wealth! Why does she enjoy all the privileges of a Senator in such a racist country, built on stolen wealth?
Why doesn't she piss off somewhere OUTSIDE this racist empire? Like Pakistan?
You're entirely missing the point. If Pauline had an issue with that, and it does seem like a legitimate concern, why resort to racism?
This is a crucial lesson for you, Crap, and the other contributors to this cesspool.
You forfeit credibility the moment you embrace racism.
Any opportunity to highlight a legitimate grievance vanishes the instant you rely on racial slurs or discriminatory rhetoric. If you’re incapable of articulating your position without resorting to such base tactics, then the problem lies squarely with you.
Let’s be clear: those doing this are not a victim here, nor are they unjustly targeted. What they;re facing is not persecution but accountability, accountability for being a racist and unapologetically so.
These consequences are the direct result of your choices, just as Pauline now faces the repercussions of hers.
If you're not choosing but simply can't help it, then you're getting what you deserve, as she is.