Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Nov 3
rd, 2024 at 3:16pm:
Well - your mistake was that the voice was never going to be anything more than a sinecure for a few among the Aboriginal Aristocracy and would materially affect the situation for the Plebs very little - if at all - while creating endless division in this country.
Not going to go over all the arguments with you again.... the people spoke and are still speaking - they will have their way.
I'll take The Voice over some of the outcomes you seem to desire for them which ultimately remove them from our society, either by segregation, incarceration, being hunted to death or ethnically cleansed.
But if you'll read what I said, I carefully and deliberately used the past tense "supported" for the idea of The Voice. The issue of a constitutionally recognised Indigenous Voice to Parliament has been settled with the result of the referendum.
There will be no constitutional change, the people have spoken and I accept the result, even if it's not the one I voted for.
I'm not the one trying to twist every Indigenous issue into a rebranded and redefined version of "the voice" to suit my agenda, that's you remember?
Quote:As for 'reconciliation debate' - I merely asked you how you defined 'reconciliation'....... of course it was a trap - you would have come out with all these one-sided favouritism racist things to give and give to one side - and so you avoided it like the plague.
Reconciliation is NOT just 'give us everything we demand' and will not be dictated to the majority by a small minority ..... there will be NO Aboriginal or other Supremacism in my country on my watch.
So you're admitting the "reconciliation debate" wasn't about an exchange of ideas or anything resembling a good faith debate, you were trying, and failing, to set a trap?
If you bothered to read what I wrote, it wasn't as you described, but there is no point in going over it again as you're not interested in the issue, just trying to manufacture gotchas since your arguments keep falling flat.
Quote:Over to you.... tell us your view on their 'culture' - all 1100 odd groups - or should we mark you down as 'no comment to offer'?
You can mark me down as, "You first", given that this is likely another of your failed attempts to set a trap rather than engage in a good-faith discussion.
And you wonder why people don't want to engage with you...
You're just an angry ball of hate constantly trying to twist reality and use the accurate descriptions of your own stance, and your own behaviour against those who call you out.
For someone who fancies themselves a “truth teller,” it’s ironic that the only truths you reveal are inadvertent admissions of the manipulative games you play, games that stand in stark contrast to the person you claim to be.
But the racism, the slurs, the incessant disparagement of the very people you pretend to support all betray your true intent. It’s not about compassion or justice; it’s about pushing hatred and winning arguments, whatever the cost.
We all see you, your motivations, and your goals, you don’t need to spell it out, though it’s refreshing when you do. Of course, this won’t stop you from denying it.
You continue digging yourself deeper, showing no interest, let alone ability, in engaging in a good-faith discussion on this or any topic.
Be better, Crappler.