It's interesting, in a disturbing way, that many people on this forum apparently have no interest whatsoever in what happens in the US election. Like it or not, right or wrong, the person occupying the Oval Office holds great sway over almost the entire world - including Australia. We should care very much who occupies that office for the next four years. If it's going to end up being Trump, I fear it will be a complete disaster for us, but worse for countries like Ukraine.
How will a Trump presidency affect us down here in Australia? One obvious way is the plan by Trump to use tariffs here, there and everywhere, which will undoubtedly lead to a trade war with countries like China and that will have a flow-on effect to consumers here in this country. On the geopolitical front, I feel pretty confident in predicting that at some point during a Trump presidency over the next four years, China will invade Taiwan and assert total control over the South China Sea, a vital shipping trade route for us here in Australia, where the vast bulk of our goods arrive by sea.
On the topic of Ukraine, only a brain dead, complete and utter moron would believe Trump when he says he'll have the war over in no time at all. Didn't he say within 24 hours? I don't remember what the timeframe was exactly. He will fail in this regard, that's a given, and then refuse to provide more support (monetarily and/or militarily) for Ukraine. This will lead to Russia succeeding in its invasion and probably moving on to one of Ukraine's smaller nearby neighbours - probably Moldova and possibly even Finland if Putin is feeling lucky. Why does this matter to us? Because any time there's a war like this, prices of products - especially fuel - go up for all of us.
Then closer to home there's the AUKUS agreement. Not sure where Trump stands on this, but I'd be surprised if he's a fan of it and that could see it on the chopping block. That would leave just the UK and Australia, so I'm not sure if we'd be able to go it alone for a nuclear submarine capability with only the UK.
All in all, a Trump presidency will be bad for us here in Australia - very bad.