SadKangaroo wrote on Nov 21
st, 2024 at 1:49pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Nov 21
st, 2024 at 1:24pm:
Yes - let it all out... get over it... and move on ... a little primal screaming on the front porch never hurt nobody...
Once one group gets over their 'truth telling' - the rest can have their shot - fair's fair.
We might have to move to that Two State Solution... no problems then with assimilation etc.
The version of history we've all been taught is a carefully curated narrative that omits inconvenient truths. This has always been your version of the truth.
You've been the benificiare of those like you who've dominated the discourse, to shape the story to suit a perspective like yours.
Now it's time to confront the omissions, to fill in the blanks with the voices that were silenced.
You are not the victim here, nor are you owed anything for your discomfort. You stand in the privileged majority, enjoying the luxury of a sanitised history.
Your say has been heard. Now it's their turn.
Cut out the crocodile tears you big baby.
I know who the big baby is .... believing in fairytales.
Oral histories are prone to change - for want of a better description aka Chinese Whispers ....
and they get more grandiose all the time.
Especially the time frame of Aboriginals being on this continent.
It has been scientifically accepted that our oldest human remains found in Australia - Mungo Man & Mungo Woman were around 42,000 yrd old when found.
Yet this oral truth telling has expanded Aboriginal existence on the continent from that 40,000 years to 50,000 years & now 65,000 years depending on who is telling the story and how much embellishment that want to make ......
it has got that bad that an Aboriginal activist who made an angry racist "Welcome to Country" at the AFL Grand Final this year claimed they have been here doing Welcome to Country for 250,000 years.
160,000 years before modern humans left Africa.
A Yarrabah woman saying her grand mother was shot and killed by "Troopers" and her mother shot and wounded by same in a Palmer River Gold Fields massacre in 1939/40.
The last recorded massacre of Aboriginal people in QLD was 1918 on Bentick Island in the Gulf of Carpentaria 500 klms away from the Palmer River and 21 years earlier than the suggested date of the Truth Telling massacre.
The woman Flo Watson said her mother Doris Maytown - who was shot in Maytown on the Palmer River in the 1930's - no specific year - and her surname taken after that town.
She stated her mother(4yrs old and wounded) along with a younger brother were marched in chains from Maytown to Cooktown - 136 klms.
I don't believe that.
It's true Aboriginal people were relocated to Missions around QLD but her story just doesn't add up for the time line in regards to any massacres.