In other crock of shite news:
Opposition resources spokeswoman Susan McDonald, who as a federal parliamentarian applied for and
received access to the court documents, said the revelations “confirmed the murky and dishonest world of activist lawfare enveloping the university sector”.Senator McDonald ramped up pressure on the EDO to “reveal the extent of its foreign backers and funding trail” and said the Albanese government should commission an audit and immediately cease providing grants to the environmental legal centre.
“These documents are like an X-ray. They reveal the dark and murky world of how extreme green activism is dishonestly using and abusing Indigenous Australians and their heritage; and how complacent the university sector is allowing themselves to be used for that purpose,” Senator McDonald said.
“This is not about identifying and respecting cultural heritage; it is now about inventing cultural heritage to achieve a political outcome, and to stymie economic development and jobs in Australia’s resources sector.
“Nothing could be more disrespectful to Indigenous Australians than taking them for a ride and fabricating and misrepresenting their cultural history.”
The Barossa case was the first in a series of high-profile recent matters involving the
citing of cultural songlines in the blocking of major projects.
Months after the initial injunction halting work on the Santos project, Woodside Energy was forced to stop seismic work at its $16.5bn Scarborough gas project off the West Australian coast after Indigenous activist group Save Our Songlines successfully secured an injunction from the Federal Court.
The group had argued that the seismic blasting could interfere with
songlines connected to whales and turtles in the area.But that injunction proved short-lived, with Woodside securing fresh approvals allowing it to go ahead with the work just two months later.
More recently, Regis Resources’ plans to develop the $1bn McPhillamys goldmine near Blayney in central NSW were thrown into turmoil after Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek blocked plans for a tailings dam.
Her decision came after a breakaway Indigenous group argued that the dam could interfere with the
songlines of the blue-banded bee. The Orange Land Council – the main body representing traditional owners of the region – has disputed the validity of that claim.
In September, The Australian reported that the EDO had offered to pay Santos’s costs over its failed bid to block the Barossa LNG development, which if accepted would have absolved the legal environment group from providing communications it had with possible backers of the court action. who is funding all this lawfare?
The Enviromental Defenders Office’s foreign funders are undermining Australia’s economyThe Environmental Defenders Office is using foreign funding to harm Australia’s economy, undermine Indigenous communities, and pursue controversial green agendas. The most disturbing source of funds for the EDO that is publicly known about are the funds that come from the Australian government itself under Labor, who are fully aware of the EDOs behaviour.
Beholden to radical green factions, Labor are funding activist litigation against the government’s own regulators. They have funded the distortion and abuse of the sacred Indigenous connection to country. They are funding an organisation whose anti-fossil fuel ideological ends have seen them engage in unsavoury means, including misrepresenting Indigenous culture, increasing Australians’ energy costs, destroying Australian jobs, supporting those who trespass onto company executive’s private homes (it is reported the EDO provides legal support to an activist accused of doing so), and putting workers’ safety needlessly in danger as they wait in boats out at sea amid hazardous conditions caused by deliberate legal delays brought by the EDO.
Labor was supposed to choose the side of our jobs, our economy, and our Indigenous people. Instead, they have chosen to join sides with fringe green factions in support of a foreign- funded agenda aimed at hurting our country and our people.