MeisterEckhart wrote on Nov 26
th, 2024 at 2:01pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 26
th, 2024 at 1:53pm:
MeisterEckhart wrote on Nov 26
th, 2024 at 1:49pm:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 26
th, 2024 at 1:35pm:
It means:
We can govern because
the people said we can.
Confirmed beyond contention when those who challenged us conceded that.
majority of the people?
As I said, an ambiguous term.
Obama and Biden scored a perfect score of three out of three.
The rapist only scored two out of three.
Not a
real mandate, in many experts' opinion.
Will you spend the next 4 years hand-wringing over the US electoral college as well?
There's no hand-wringing here.
I'm merely pointing out the facts.
Without the majority of voters voting for the rapist, it's hard for him to mount a serious argument that he has a mandate.
And, the electoral college is stupid. Everyone knows that.
But again, no hand-wringing - if that's the system in place, then that's the system that needs to be followed and respected.
The rapist won the electoral college in 2016, so that means he got to be President.
However, he lost the popular vote and he did not have a majority of voters voting for him (not even close, at 46.1%), so again - no mandate.
Obama and Biden won all three categories though, so I guess - using your terminology - Obama and Biden had bigger cocks and full consent to impregnate.
Diaper Don has a tiny mushroom, and has to resort to rape.