Leroy wrote on Dec 4
th, 2024 at 5:02pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Dec 4
th, 2024 at 4:52pm:
We are dealing with TWO sets of numbers.
You refuse to link yours.
You lose the debate.
Hey thats fine, if you just believe what someone tells you without doing a bit of research then you will probably win a lot of debates.
No, I'm reading the linked report from one set of experts, and waiting for your link to reveal the quality of your assertions...spot the difference?
And I have reason NOT to rely on your assertions: you couldn't even defend an error you made re the period affected by the pandemic (which included parts of both Trump and Biden's terms).
Quote: I do my research so I know what the facts actually are and not what some random poster thinks.
gross error (your 2nd, regardless of the veracity of your unlinked assertions): the article to which Greg linked is not what "some random poster thinks", it's the research of serious researchers.
Quote:Its not my responsibility to inform you on what you are debating,
Another clanger
: we are debating Trump and tariffs, and Trump's job creation cf. Biden's term.
Quote: if you don't know something then just research it before commenting on it. You could research it or you could just rely on another posters post.
Addressed above.
It's time for you to post your link to qualified researchers backing your assertions re the jobs data.