Sophia wrote on Dec 16
th, 2024 at 8:11pm:
Aussie wrote on Dec 16
th, 2024 at 5:39pm:
SadKangaroo wrote on Dec 16
th, 2024 at 5:02pm:
Aussie wrote on Dec 16
th, 2024 at 4:19pm:
Agnes.. wrote on Dec 16
th, 2024 at 3:43pm:
I really think you are the best you Unsub- lots of respect from me.
And less respect for Grappler despite your grovelling to him as above?
It could just be smart strategy to voice cries of it being rigged?
It's certainly the right candidate to have a meltdown over it being unfair and claiming to be the victim.
No, that's not yer Grappler. Yer Grappler is nothing like that. Quite the opposite.
I have to remind some here at this point….if it wasn’t for Grappler giving his own vote to Rocky….this pointless conversation wouldn’t be happening.
A question of honour...I know - I have an odd Code. Sad Kanga is just pissed orf because the voice lost and I've called it fairly and squarely over the Voice By Stealth and Lawfare to gain what is not an acceptable gain - ergo - warfare by another means..... not to mention the coming to pass of the threatened Intifada 'out there' with babies bashed and such - all of which lead me to the Two State Solution (following on from Aborassic Park and Mansell's demands for a separate sovereign Aboriginal state) - the boy Kanga just cannot accept that I am just being kind to everyone and offering what they SAY they want like some tranny demanding to have his balls removed in a situation where he knows he will not get it ... but jeez the ranting feels good!
It's hardly my fault that the Aboractivists don't REALLY want what they say they want - because that would cut them off from the White Man's Cargo Cult that has sustained them for so long..... like the kids in Mad Max - Beyond Thunderdome (I was auditioned for the part of the ringmaster in that) humming for the Captain..... the Aborigines stand around waiting for the Cargo Cult manna from Heaven to fall bringing them air conditioned homes, fridges, beer, cars, fishing gear, boats, roads, RFDS trips, and so forth............................. Tim Tams on internet order .................. all the traditional things they adore and crave so much a return to....
Like many before him, Kanga tried hard but is now bitter - nearly as bitter and twisted as PhilPerth, one of our greatest race haters here - after mothra and co of course. If only they knew and understood half of what they imagine they do...
Thank those who know me better for their support of my character.....
(not YOU, Igor, my Black Wolf side - ME! God - you're a character...)
.... I could have given Agnes my votes if she'd stood after being badly handled... no woman left behind... Justice Will Fall... but unlike the way Darwin and Brisbane and the voice and Washington etc have Fallen from the grip of the 'progressives' .. Justice (not the Cargo cult) will Fall from the heavens into the hands of the righteous person..... and all the unjust shall flee before him...
Go get 'em, Rocky!!