MeisterEckhart wrote on Jan 17
th, 2025 at 10:02pm:
Trump is creating, then attempting to manage and control, an oligarchy ruled by an autocrat.
His Achilles heel is that, as the democratically elected potentate he imagines himself to be and constrained by term limits, he is dispensable... the oligarchs he's creating are not.
There it is again, people - the delusion that an elected government etc suddenly holds all power in the land - Donald is checked by ..... checks and balances ... he does not by any stretch of the imagination hold total power...... only here do governments act as if they do hold total power, so clearly our 'democratic system' is flawed and is in need of repair.
Sadly for this Poor Fellow - My Country - some groups within it have acted on this delusion held by elected government to establish themselves in positions of supremacy ... get into their ears or their pants and those elected governments will step outside the boundaries or Law to impose things that do not abide by the rules of Law. Sadly, there are no real checks and balances, given that our courts are stacked with the traditional Australian convict colony people are scum mental type of prison warder judges who imagine they have an equal total power to impose without let, and who are all directly involved in or are directly under the control of those self-same flawed elected governments.
They drink at the club together, you know....must be right.... if it were so wrong, surely the people could oppose it in one of the courts!!! Only costs - oh - $100,000 a day or so! If they've got a problem with being genuinely oppressed and their rights are being violated - there are remedies at $100k a day!!! Poor Fellow - My Country!
Feminists have been doing it - to the massive detriment of this country and its people, for decades now - and all the other pissy little self-centred groups are using the same path that worked so well for them. Aboriginal/Poof/Tranny Supremacists are using YOUR money to impose on YOU through the courts... everyone is equal, no? But if they belong to a group accorded Accredited Victim Status they get everything for free and the rights of those they are seeking to oppress are thrown in the garbage can.... and then those oppressed get to pay for it all again!! Every day of their life.
Cut Off The Paths! Drain The Billabongs!! Make Australia Great Again!! F
ck The Minorities!!