Conservative Canadian MP @MelissaLantsman made the most chill-inducing speech in the Canadian parliament.
"Canadians just want to wake up from this woke nightmare and bring back the Canada they used to know."
You could make such a speech in each of the other four parliaments of the 5 eyes alliance. of Lansman's speech in Hansard (full text at link)
It has become a hallmark of the Prime Minister's leadership, which has divided Canadians based on every discernible characteristic, of race, religion, gender, age, wealth, vaccine status, and the list goes on and on.
What happens when the same Prime Minister systematically attacks the pillars of our country, whether it is our criminal justice system, our charter of freedoms, even our national symbols? He took Terry Fox out of the passport and replaced it with a squirrel. He allowed those who got the passport to take their citizenship ceremony on Zoom. That is a shame. We should have known this, because he told everybody that Canada was a “post-national state” with “no core identity”.
It is what happens when the cornerstone of a Liberal government's agenda is to open our borders and let in terrorists and lawbreakers with no background checks, then call anybody who questions it a racist. Frankly, this weekend has shown everybody that Canadians are tired of it. They are tired of the government. They are tired of it holding up the debate in the House without handing over the documents that the Speaker told it to hand over. Canadians deserve to know where the $400 million in tax dollars went.
The Prime Minister and the Liberal government have made our country a playground for foreign interference, for division, for people who hate us to come here, and they have rolled out the welcome mat. Then what did the Prime Minister do? He left us in the cold. The chants of death to Jews grew louder in front of synagogues. He ignores calls for safety and security. As his threats to communities got more intense, he ignored and silenced the voices in his own caucus, voices that are supposed to be the ones speaking out, the voices that are supposed to be standing up for their communities, that are supposed to have a seat at the table. He has shoved them out of the room and does not listen to them anymore.
As the masked mob took over the streets of Montreal, the Prime Minister decided it would be better to spend the night dancing. My question is this. When was he told and after he was told, did he stay there? Why did it take him an entire day, until 12 o'clock the next day, to utter even the most basic condemnation of what happened in his own city that night?
This is a country that welcomed generations of people from around the world, gave them shelter from persecution, and now we see that in our streets. This is a country that used to stand up for our allies and for values around the world. This was a country that wherever people came from, whoever they were, they could come here, become a Canadian and be proud of it. We are not that country anymore. It breaks my heart to see it and I am sure it breaks the heart of every Canadian to see and witness what happened this weekend.
Glossing over the clear problems and pretending they do not exist, as the Prime Minister does, is no way to run a country. It is no way to even run a Parliament. He certainly has not acquiesced to that demand we are still here for today.
When someone has the courage to stand and say that what is happening here is wrong, that they refuse to stand by it because they love what is being destroyed, that is a country worth living in. This is the kind of leadership and courage we need. That courage is growing. It is not only growing with me, but with Canadians right across the country, from all stripes, from coast to coast. They want the country they used to know back.
Canadians have had enough of the virtue signalling, the holier-than-thou preaching, the lawlessness, the out-of-control crime, the free drugs and the chaos in our streets.
Canadians just want to go to work, raise a family and be able to afford a decent home in a safe neighbourhood. They want to do that without being told how to think by some out-of-touch politician in Ottawa. Canadians just want to wake up from this woke nightmare and bring back the Canada we used to know. These are not the Canadians that we find occupying the streets of Montreal, rioting violently. They are not the ones camping out on the front lawn of a university campus for months at a time or engaging in terrorist cosplay weekend after weekend.They are the Canadians we find on a shop floor, in a small business along Main Street, in legion halls, in town squares and in communities everywhere. They might be quiet, but they are the real heart of our country. They are going to have a champion when we elect a common-sense national majority Conservative government. We are going to deliver a country that is finally respected on the world stage and does not make headlines with what is happening in our streets. can substitute Australians for Canadians, Sydney and Melbourne for Montreal and Canberra for Ottawa and lose none of the force and relevance of the a speech.
Time for a massive cultural shift, a massive corrective, in Western democracies.