Bobby. wrote on Dec 7
th, 2024 at 11:30am:
Quote:And what does Albo and Wong do? Appease them,
promising statehood to terrorists to save their political skins in Muslim ghetto seats.
We don't know yet if it was Muzzos or right wing extremists.
We know.
Well, are the Muslims of Australia completely unconnected to Hamas and Hezb'allah? Why did the Muslim cleric in Sydney, Sheikh Ibrahim Dadoun rejoice on 8 October, saying,
"I'm smiling and I'm happy, I'm elated, it's a day of courage, it's a day of pride, it's a day of victory. This is the day we've been waiting for. Seventy-five years of occupation. Fifteen years of blockade. What happened yesterday was the first time our brothers and sisters broke through the largest prison on Earth."
And a Mob of Muslims gathered at the Opera House chanting **** the Jews, where's the Jews, gas the Jews. There was ONE arrest - a Jew who dared to show his face and solidarity with Israel.
And remember, on that day there was NO Israeli military response of any kind.
And so the "completely unconnected" Muslims in Australia have been calling, every week since, for the eradication of Israel from the river to the sea, vandalised businesses, MPs' offices, burn and vandalised cars and now a synagogue.
We do know it is the pro-hamas, pro-hezb-allah Muslims. We have seen it for 14 months, from Faruqi and Payman, to Muslim Voice, Daud, other Muslims, and the weekly Muslim mobs on the streets. It's not a mystery.
If the synagogue is torched by fascists then it is just one more proof of the fascist ideology of Hamas and Hezb-alla supporting Muslims.