Frank wrote on Dec 19
th, 2024 at 10:36am:
North Africa, the Levant and Mesopotamia were not Arabic before the spread of Islam by the sword. Arabs are at home in Araby, everywhere else they are conquerors.
Correct, that's how it was in the days of 'might is right' -before men decided they needed to change their ways after 1945.... at the dawn of the age of MAD.....
Quote:There were no such countries as Iraq, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon before the British and the French created them.
What was Syria originally called?
The first period, attested from the 8th century BCE, reflects the original Luwian and Cilician use of the term Syria as a clear synonym for Assyria. Likewise Palestine was called 'Palestinae' in Byzantium times.
Quote:There weren't even such provinces within the Ottoman Empire. The concept of Nation emerged in Europe while the Middle East slumbered under the yoke of the Sublime Porte.
You are confusing 'nation' with 'province'.
The Ottoman Empire's Arab provinces included parts of modern-day Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine:
During the Ottoman Empire, the land that is now Palestine was called Filistin or Surya al-Janubiyya (Southern Syria):
Note: "the land that is now called..."etc .
Quote:Nationalism is unIslamic, anyway. And Islam is doctrinally, congenitally anti-Jewish and anti-Christian.
well....yes, for the sake of the argument....especially Jews and Christians who reject God's 'Final Revelation' according to the Koran....