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Judeophobia in Australia (Read 3465 times)
Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Australian Politics

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Re: Judeophobia in Australia
Reply #165 - Jan 19th, 2025 at 2:19pm
mothra wrote on Jan 19th, 2025 at 6:38am:
All in one quick copy. The alternate truth principle in all it's glory.

Of course people protesting what is happening in Gaza are not antisemitic. It's about a far right Israeli government committing actual acts of genocide.

It's got nothing at all to do with Judaism and there a massive numbers of Jewish people speaking out about the acts of genocide currently being enacted on the Palestinian people.

I'm with them. But i'm not only a fierce of critic of what happened to Jewish people under all that foulness it's what happened to the Romany; homosexuals; people with disabilities; Catholics; Trade Unionists: ...etc.

The only actual antisemitics we need to be worrying abut are far right.

They also seem to be against other things on the list.

But all's good yeah? Mel Gibson has been appointed an ambassadorship by Trump.

And so it goes.

What absolute nonsense.  Israel was attacked without notice - Gaza declared war on Israel after murdering 1200 citizens going about their business etc- the people of Gaza danced in the streets in celebration and in the hope that all the Arab nations would join in attacking Israel.... Israel struck back - the Gazan 'government' incited its people or forced them to become human walls to protect their 'leadership' and their 'fighters'... they gave - as THE extreme right wing government involved in this - their own people no choice but to die ... Israel gave ample warning of bombing and ground attacks so that 'civilians' could get out of the way, thus placing the lives of its own troops at risk ..... GazaGuv hid in tunnels while they forced women and children to stay in the way of these attacks .. GazaGuv murdered over 200 men who went to that 'government' to seek permission to remove their families from the firing line....

You are one very sick puppy ....

If Mel manages to cut down on politician use of hair gel he will be a success...
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