Panther wrote on Dec 14 th, 2024 at 4:43pm: Karnal wrote on Dec 14 th, 2024 at 3:35pm: Panther wrote on Dec 14 th, 2024 at 1:21pm: .. President Trump has promised to sign "Concealed Carry Reciprocity" legislation, which he was willing to sign upon Senate approval during his first term in office. Unfortunately the Senate didn't cooperate back then, but happily....as we all know.....this is a much better time, & President Trump will have much greater control & support.
He has since reiterated his promise.
The policy would allow gun owners with a concealed carry permit from one state to legally carry their weapons in other states.
Every state in the U.S. permits some form of concealed carry, but the regulations can vary widely.
Some states do not require a permit to carry concealed weapons, "Constitutional Carry", while others demand permits, stipulating certain conditions. States such as California and New York have particularly strict requirements.
President Trump has said he is open to also supporting "Constitutional Carry Reciprocity" legislation, which would allow the well over 80 Million American gun owning individuals who can legally possess guns to carry concealed firearms anywhere in the United States without needing a license or permit to do so.
It seems that the day will be upon us, sooner rather than later, where all law-abiding Americans will be able to exercise their Constitutionally protected Right to Keep & Bear Arms as they wish, wherever they wish, whenever they wish. God Bless The United States Constitution !!!
https://imgur.com/3m8TicF.gifhttps://imgur.com/4F6nbS9.gifhttps://imgur.com/8HaR1LB.gif.. Excuse me, did you just say states have firearm regulations?
That citizens must have a license to carry a Magnum 44 in a shoulder strap or a two-shot Derringer in their boot?
Sounds a little unconstitutional to me, dear. How could states possibly have laws? Ridiculous. Mr Trump should do no such thing. If Congress puts a firearm regulation on his desk, he needs to tear it up and throw it in the bin (like he does with most of his papers). Your beloved Constitution gives all Americans the right to bear arms, period. There are no ifs or buts. You have been most clear on this. Strangely, your Constitution also allows the Vice Prez to overturn presidential elections, but we won't go there, it's a little bit controversial.
LAWFARE !!! All points, your initial Constitutionality statements/questions regarding firearms, & your "controversial" matter in your final Constitutionality statement/question, if they were ever properly pursued through the national court system without any acceptable resolution, IMHO a case could eventually land in the hands of the highest court in America, the United States Supreme Court, who upon being requested to determine constitutionality of said issue, would have to decide whether to grant a writ or reject the request for a petitioner's 'writ of certiorari'......SCOTUS will vote on the returning writ & if 4 SCOTUS Justices of the 9 agree to hear it, then & only then will the SCOTUS take on an issue & hear arguments. I see. Allow me to summarize your argument. If your DL, President of The United States, tried to regulate firearms by demanding that your federal Congress passes a bill, illegally infringing your Constitutional rights, such a law could be challenged and pursued through the national court system. Upon such litigation, and without an acceptable resolution in either direction to the satisfaction of both litigants, such a case could eventually, hitherto and henceforth, appear before the highest court of the land and demand a response from your learned and esteemed judges on the Supreme Court of The United States. Said judges would then be forced to decide on whether to grant a writ or reject the request for a petitioner's 'writ of certiorari'. Have I summarized your position correctly thus far?