philperth2010 wrote on Dec 22
nd, 2024 at 9:06am:
Gnads wrote on Dec 22
nd, 2024 at 7:24am:
philperth2010 wrote on Dec 20
th, 2024 at 11:11am:
The poor racists are upset
because the law prevents them shitting and pissing all over the place whilst they kill wildlife for recreation....Suck it up arseholes you are done!!!
You moron ..... what did Aboriginals do for millennia prior to & even after 1788 .... and in places still doing it ..... in the streets.
Don't tell me .... they had their own septic & sewerage systems
How Bwuce Pascoesque.
The High Court has ruled you can bugger off dickhead....If you don't like the laws change them....Otherwise you are just another butt hurt white bitch like Freediver....Aboriginal people don't need your approval arsehole!!!
The thing is, Phil - the Native Title Act and the Native Lands Act are two different things - and MUST not be confused, as is clearly the case being pushed through by unelected swill - those appointed mates at the head of departments handed their sweet ride by their mates in The Party and then in lockstep with The Party Line - and above consultation or approval from The People......
The Native Title Act gives the rights to wander, camp out, catch fish and hunt traditionally, and carry out traditional things...... on Public land where use is shared by every citizen, although Aborigines have a few extra rights in hunting etc .... the Native Lands Act allows gifting of Freehold land to Aborigines under clearly defined conditions ........ not one of those conditions is that National Parks and such can be handed over as Freehold.... and certainly not without full and proper consultation with the (gasps ) Traditional Owners of National Parks - The People - and certainly not ever without the express permission of The People.
What you are talking about as 'law' here, Phil - is not Law - it is policy being pushed without Law by those appointed unelected swill bureaucrats in cahoots with The Parties - I say Parties because all the Parties do the same - perhaps with a different cast of players - but still the same.
I long ago warned yez all of the clear and present dangers inherent in having senior public servants appointed on contract to Their Masters in The Parties...... meaning that the departments then were directly under the command and control of ANY government of the day...
Now you are seeing the results with the blatant theft of vast land holdings of the Public, and the handing over of those holdings without consultation or permission to ANY demanding group..... consider this as a policy..... one day your 'pristine coast' will be handed over by the same fiat to some developer group....... or some hole diggers or something...
Once you open that door - all of hell can follow.
You know what Australia needs to do to get rid of this filth.
Footnote:- For them of yuz what wonders why, given that I so often clarify for yez that this site and others are monitored by 'tha guvinmint' and its paid lackeys of one kind or another .... I state clearly and openly my opposition to everything these wart-holes do...... simple really ....... I want them to hear.... they NEED to be told..... and someone has to have the guts to stand up and be counted..... besides..... they know me already.... look into my eyes - do I GAS?