philperth2010 wrote on Dec 14
th, 2024 at 10:09am:
freediver wrote on Dec 14
th, 2024 at 9:52am:
Quote:Never is the answer for the upteenth time
Why was that so difficult for you? And where have you answered previously? All I see is you being evasive.
I have answered your bullshit question multiple times Freedickhead!!! Quote:I have given you my answer again and again
Congratulations, you posted the same thing twice in a row.
Quote:So what are you claiming is discrimination
I have made all sorts of claims about racial discrimination on this site. Are you really not aware of a single one?
So you are race baiting and not prepared to clarify what it is you are actually bitching about....You pathetic racist piece of sh!t???
I am done with you Freedickhead!!! That's a relief .....
Simple answer - if these people with flags want to not be Australian but somehow 'co-sovereign', they are welcome to hand in their citizenship and their dole cards etc and go and make their way in the traditional ways.... all that cunning Pascoe aquaculture, agriculture, storage of seeds and such and trade should suffice to make them all happy, healthy and wise...... gonna be a bit hard when they try predatory raiding on 'other tribes' to steal what they have to survive, though. And they can only do that on Open Range... not on other people's land........
There are laws against that...... the other tribes might not like it - just look at Alice Springs! Jeez - two teenagers in detention for a home invasion and assault on a new mother and newborn baby, leaving the baby with a skull fracture and brain bleeding... must be worth two damp lettuce leaves from the 'judge' ... but that'll all change when they do a Hamas and cross the border from The Park and invade, rob and steal and assault.... THEN justice will prevail against criminal Invaders... just like Gaza and such...
I reckon they'd be better off accepting the Two State Solution and heading off onto The Park to be under their own control and their own laws and such..... I think the penalty for someone caught raiding and killing another tribe is an instant spearing or something.... unto death..... but that'll just help keep the population down to the manageable level it was pre-1788 - so few that they were hardly noticeable on the land, let along do anything to or with it apart from burning the sh
t out of it at random without even firestick farming that land....
Back to the cultural roots!! And let's not forget the Golden Era of Professor Pascoe...
They're eating the roos
They're eating the snakes
They're eating the fauna
Of the people who LIVE .... HERE...