freediver wrote on Dec 14
th, 2024 at 9:30pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 14
th, 2024 at 6:44pm:
freediver wrote on Dec 14
th, 2024 at 5:19pm:
Wow. I can't believe they have actually locked someone up over a hand gesture in a pub.
Meanwhile Aussie is free to go round insisting we should give all the Israeli Jews a free train ticket to Tasmania, and let the Muslims slaughter any that don't get on board.
There's a train that goes to Tasmania?
You have outsmarted Aussie yet again Greg. Are you Jewish by any chance?
Aussie's train was intended to run under water, so that in reality it was a new 'gas chamber' moment - using sea water.
Once again - Israel has just done the world a great favour by knocking the mad Mussos back on their heels and thus curtailing the ability of Iran to use its connections with Vlad and money not spent on the well-being of its people to implement proxy wars to further their radical Islamist ideals.
Hamas is surrounded in an enclave growing smaller by the day... it would be a perfectly legitimate act of war for Israel to refuse any food supplies - yet it does so to succour the 'civilian' population that danced in the street at Hamas brutalities... that kindness will do no good given that the coming generation(s) of Gazans are already steeped in the idea of genociding Jews, and it will all have to be done again.
Hezbollah has been forced to move back fifty miles to secure for Israel a relatively safe distance against rocket attacks.
Yemen is being pounded by everyone.
Syria remains a cypher given that nobody truly knows which way the 'freedom fighters' will go - they may simply become another Jew-hating group and will in turn require being settled down.
dividie! Where's your fabled UN? Rounding up their unicorns to ride in to save the day?
Trump is walking into a perfect position, with the Middle East temporarily resolved, "Ras" Putin on the ropes and seeking a blustering peace deal that looks like he is giving out the terms.... all of which Xi China will be looking over their shoulders aghast at... so Trump enters the fray of international brinkmanship and control over trade and economics with a very strong hand.
I can just see Allies like Japan, The Philippines and Vietnam sharpening their swords for a little payback....... while China pulls back from its expansionism ... we can make a deal......