John Stossel, the Libertarian investigative journalist, has produced a new story about the myths of recycling, especially when it comes to plastic.
He points out that there are many cities in America that think they’re doing the morally right thing by banning plastic bags, which ends up backfiring in a number of ways.
He also notes that most of the green ‘religion’ that has become so common in America, is a product of the liberal media and that this has been going on for decades.
Science writer John Tierney debunked recycling claims years ago in a New York Times Magazine story, “Recycling Is Garbage.” It set a Times record for hate mail.
But what he wrote was true.
“It’s even more true today, the economics has gotten even worse,” says Tierney.
My city would save over $300 million a year if it stopped recycling. It would be smarter to just dump our garbage in landfills.
“Recycling is an industry that uses increasingly expensive labor to produce materials that are worth less and less,” says Tierney.
Because it’s not worth recycling here, much is shipped overseas to countries like Malaysia, here it’s just piled up — some of it from America. That pollutes even more. And what they don’t burn, they just dump in the ocean.