America is in denial out it's gun culture....If the massacre of young children and innocent people does not bring about change, nothing will!!!
How US gun culture stacks up with the worldHow firearm ownership compares globallyThe United States is the only nation in the world where civilian guns outnumber people.
The US has the highest firearm homicide rate in the developed world[
which is completely irrelevant
In 2019, the number of US deaths from gun violence was about 4 per 100,000 people. That’s 18 times the average rate in other developed countries.
again, what has development got to do with it, please explain, and multiple studies shew that access to cars results in more car related deaths, same for electricity, and Macca’s hamburgers
Multiple studies show access to guns contributes to higher firearm-related homicide rates.
The US was home to 4% of the world’s population but accounted for 44% of global suicides by firearm in 2019 Suicides don’t count as suicide is a legal action so cannot be counted in with crimes
The country recorded the largest number of gun-related suicides in the world every year from 1990 to 2019.
No other developed nation has mass shootings at the same scale or frequency as the USHalf of the world’s developed countries had at least one public mass shooting between 1998 and 2019.* But no other nation saw more than eight incidents over 22 years, while the United States had over 100 — with almost 2,000 people killed or injured.
Gun-related deaths reduced after the introduction of stricter laws in these countriesShortly after a mass shooting in Tasmania, Australia banned rapid-fire rifles and shotguns and tightened licensing rules. Over the next decade, gun deaths dropped by 51%.