Jovial Monk wrote on Jan 2
nd, 2025 at 9:17pm:
HM members have you given the photo of myself and Mum to?
Not gonna say are you you moral coward!
No one.
That was an evil set up from you.
One day Monk sent me a PM - in either Polanimal or here.
It included a link to a Facebook or some social media site with - I think ? -
a picture of him and his mother.
I can't remember now because I only glanced it it for 2 seconds -
then closed the page and deleted the email.
I smelt a rat.
Sure enough - about 6 weeks later a member here posted a picture of Monk and his mother
and guess who was blamed? - me - WTF.
From that point I blocked Monk's PMs so he couldn't try to set me up again.
Who knows how many people he did that to?
Why should my arch enemy send me pictures of himself?