Leroy wrote on Jan 20
th, 2025 at 9:37am:
Why spend hundreds of millions on police cars driving around when you can have cameras that cost almost nothing.
People obeying the laws of the road have nothing to fear.
Because the cameras that cost almost nothing do nothing to reduce speeding, the amount of fines is testimony to that.
Police cars on the road save lives speed cameras do not.
If the Government was interested in saving lives and not collecting fines then it would do more about road safety.
Example [and this is only one of many];
South of Stonehenge [ New England Highway] the Government has painted the new double interrupted centre lines around a blind curve which is also uphill and over a blind crest.If an inexperienced driver manages a head on collision it will be no surprise.
Secondary roads abound in the interrupted line going through blind curves, dips and crests.
Then there are roundabouts [one of my favourites]
The NSW Government has passed legislation that says motorists entering one must give way to vehicles in a roundabout, then it gives local councils monetary assistance to carry out beautification on roundabouts, this mostly means that a small forest is planted that obscures the vehicles already in the roundabout and leaves drivers entering liable to prosecution for failing to give way if there is a collision or a near one if witnessed by a policeman.
Also most roundabouts have negative camber, which is much cheaper than positive camber as that would require drainage.
The list could go on.