Ajax wrote Yesterday at 4:58pm:
The USA empire is at an end but none of the players at the helm want to admit it.
So what does history show when a state is in decline!
Well they usually try to subjugate weaker states to prove to themselves that they are still No.1.
Hence Trump delusional rants
Take over the Panama Canal
Make Canada the 51st state of the USA
Invade Greenland, etc etc
The BRICS block with now 18 members represents close to half the population of the world and a fair chunk of the worlds resources not to mention they have a 41% of the worlds GDP compared to the G7s 30%. They are also responsible for the de-dollariazation that is happening globally.
Its the end for the USA, the writing is on the wall.
Not at all, Ajax. The members of BRICS represent the
leaders of BRICS.
Russia, Chi-na and Saudi Arabia are autocracies. Their leaders most certainly do
not represent their populations.
The US, on the other hand, just had a free and fair election. Their prez represents 48.8% of Americans, but you're right, and I agree.
The US prez has as much right to Panama, Greenland and Canada as Vlad has to Ukraine.