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They Rape Murder and Eat Babies (Read 5482 times)
Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #15 - Dec 31st, 2024 at 7:20am
Some time in our ancestry people ate other people.  A matter of survival.
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #16 - Dec 31st, 2024 at 9:59am
Boris wrote on Dec 31st, 2024 at 5:47am:
philperth2010 wrote on Dec 30th, 2024 at 11:44am:
Here we go again....Do you have any examples of babies being eaten by Aboriginal people....What you believe is irrelivant???

Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Insanity is just what we call stupidity when it doesn't make sense.
Josh Lieb, I am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to be Your Class President, 2009

It happened - even up to the 1990s and still goes on now I believe. We were briefed on it by the NT Health Department - the same as PNG there are still cannibals.

All natives in the Pacific were cannibals - Maori Aborigines Islanders PNG natives all munch on humans. = REALITY.

You say oh yeah but but not our precious Abos - I know about Maori but our precious Abos would never do such a thing - well you are a deluded fool - they did and they still do.

But it is hidden and you do not know the truth when you hear it.

Prove it dickhead....Your opinion is as worthless as the racist arseholes who support your crap....You are a lying dickhead with no substance....When asked to support your bullshit you have nothing as usual....Fack off you racist crunts!!!

Smiley Smiley Smiley

Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 - 1945), radio address, October 26, 1939
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Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #17 - Dec 31st, 2024 at 11:49am
Aborigines represent Africa's war on Australians.
Just like Indians were in America for Asia.
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Brian Ross
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #18 - Dec 31st, 2024 at 1:01pm
Oh, dearie, dearie, me, poor, poor, "Boris" like to spread lies and bullshit about Indigenous Australians all the time.  Yet, when challenged he fails to produce any proof about what he claims.  What a WOFTAM.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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John Smith
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #19 - Dec 31st, 2024 at 1:44pm
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Dec 29th, 2024 at 11:06am:
Just slam them with the facts until they are forced to lie down -

Something you've yet to achieve Cheesy
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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John Smith
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #20 - Dec 31st, 2024 at 1:47pm
Boris wrote on Dec 31st, 2024 at 5:47am:
It happened - even up to the 1990s and still goes on now I believe

I believe you are a moron, and your posts prove it.  You've been searching for evidence for over a year and you fail each and every time. How does it feel to be such a loser?
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #21 - Dec 31st, 2024 at 6:25pm
Yeah - they do it....
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #22 - Jan 1st, 2025 at 8:21am
John Smith wrote on Dec 31st, 2024 at 1:47pm:
Boris wrote on Dec 31st, 2024 at 5:47am:
It happened - even up to the 1990s and still goes on now I believe

I believe you are a moron, and your posts prove it.  You've been searching for evidence for over a year and you fail each and every time. How does it feel to be such a loser?

Shall I continue?
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #23 - Jan 1st, 2025 at 8:24am
John Smith wrote on Dec 31st, 2024 at 1:47pm:
Boris wrote on Dec 31st, 2024 at 5:47am:
It happened - even up to the 1990s and still goes on now I believe

I believe you are a moron, and your posts prove it.  You've been searching for evidence for over a year and you fail each and every time. How does it feel to be such a loser?

Dollypot, Greenhide and Spindrift:
a journal of bush history
Vol 3. No. 4
Australian Aboriginal Cannibalism. An eyewitness account.

This account certainly knocks the ‘ritual’ aspects so often promoted. It is from Fisher’s Colonial Magazine, vol.2, page 144, 1843.

Mr. Bromfield, of Geelong, gives a deplorable account of one of these tribal feuds, which, if the aborigines be so few in number as govern­ment functionaries represent, may be the more easily prevented

“On the 31st of May last, (writes this gentleman from his residence, Ion Court,) two parties of aborigines encountered each other within a mile and a half of my station – part of the Barrabool Hill natives, and part of the Mount Rouse tribe, who immediately gave battle, but were defeated with the loss of three men and two unfortunate young women. On the Wednesday morning, the few natives immediately belonging to my neighbourhood arrived, bearing this intelligence, evidently in a state of great excitement, and dreadfully afraid to return to their encampment without the protection of myself and servants, who were to be well armed. Directly after breakfast I started, accompanied by the natives to within a short distance of their huts, where they all remained, and I proceeded forward by myself, and on reaching the spot found their report to be perfectly correct. Such a disgusting scene can scarcely be imagined, the whole encampment deluged with blood ; first lay the body of a middle-aged man named Codjajah, speared through the breast in many places, his bowels taken out and the fat drawn off them, and a few pieces cut out of his thigh. The next body was that of a woman speared in many places, quite dead. A short distance from her stood a young lubra with two spears through the belly, the whole of her intestines hanging to the ground – she was perfectly sensible, and it would ave been a charity to have shot her then, but she departed this life in the evening. Besides these three, within a short distance of the huts lay the bodies of two more men, known by the names of Jim and Big-one Tom, they were partly eaten, their fat being taken by their Christian brethren ! These are civilized aborigines, who have been well instructed by our assistant protectors, and certainly have profited no little by the time and expense that have been lavished upon them.”


The first case was at Apawandinna, halfway from Cowarie. A very fat Blackfellow chased an emu and became overheated in the chase, and died. The other Blackfellows were very worried over the death. They examined the man, but could not find anything to show as a cause of his death. He was a good-natured man, very popular with the tribe, so that it was unlikely that he had been ‘boned’ – a form of magic widely practised among the Wonkonguru tribe.

Finally, the old men of the tribe decided to cook the body. They cut it up and distributed it right round the camps of the tribe, which at that time extended from Killalpaninna to Birdsville in Queensland. The idea of the old men was that if the dead man had been ‘boned,’ his flesh would poison the man who had ‘boned’ him, and anyone who was innocent would be protected from such a death by eating a piece of him. I talked it over with one old man who had eaten it in order that the rest would not think him guilty of ‘boning’ the dead man. He put it to me this way: ‘’Spose ‘em me no eat ‘em. ‘Nother fella say, Him kill ‘em. Me eat ‘em, then all right.’

Horne, G. and Aiston, G., members of the Australian Mounted Police, Savage Life in Central Australia, Macmillan, 1924.


There is no doubt that cannibalism existed among them until recent times, and possibly in such dangerous areas as Arnhem Land, in the far north of Northern Territory, may exist to this day. Motives for the eating of human flesh, as elsewhere, are varied, and often closely intertwined. The need for sacrifice; the demands of magic; the desire for revenge; all these are present, as elsewhere; but in the case of the Blackfellows they are perhaps less clearly evolved and crystallized.

Garry Hogg, Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice, p. 179. 1958


The eating of human flesh was not practised by the Australian native to the extent that it was by the South Sea Islander. The term ‘cannibalism’ is usually taken to mean gorging on human flesh, and with relish; and that seems a valid description of the cannibalism of the Melanesian indigènes of New Caledonia, who appear to have regarded man-meat much as we regard the Sunday-joint. Not all cannibalism is the same in purpose.

In hard summers, the new-born children were all eaten by the Kaura tribe in the neighbourhood of Adelaide, according to Dr McKinley. In 1933 I was able to talk to old men who had eaten human flesh. The chief of Yam Island described to me how he had eaten finely-chopped man-meat mixed with crocodile-meat, at his initiation. He added that it had made him sick. The purpose, as he put it, was ‘to make heart come strong inside.’

In the Wotjobaluk tribe, a couple who already had a child might kill their new-born and feed its muscle-flesh to the other one to
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #24 - Jan 1st, 2025 at 8:25am
In the Wotjobaluk tribe, a couple who already had a child might kill their new-born and feed its muscle-flesh to the other one to make it strong. The baby was killed ritually, by striking its head against the shoulder of its elder brother or sister.

Human flesh-eating among many tribes was a sign of respect for the dead. At a Dieri burial, relatives received, in strict order of precedence, small portions of the body-fat to eat. ‘We eat him,’ a tribesman said, ‘because we knew him and were fond of him.’ But revenge cannibalism is typified in the custom of the Ngarigo tribe, who ate the flesh of the hands and feet of slain enemies, and accompanied the eating with loud expressions of contempt for the people killed.

Colin Simpson, Adam in Ochre, Angus & Robertson, 1938.


The body [during burial rites] was dried over a fire or in the sun, after the internal organs had been removed through an incision and it had been packed, bound up and, usually, painted. It was then made up into a bundle, and is carried around by the mourners until their grief had been assuaged. It is finally disposed of by internment, cremation, or by being put inside a hollow tree. In some districts, the preparation is complicated by cannibalism, so that the bundle consists only of the bones, or the bones and the dried skin.

Cannibalism forms a ceremony, not only in connexion with mummification in parts of Queensland, but also precedes the exposure of the body on the tree-stage among other tribes. Parts of the body have to be eaten by prescribed relations. Practised in Queensland, as part of burial, cannibalism was considered a most honourable rite, to be used only for persons of worth. It was, incidentally, a quick method of preparing the ‘mummy,’ the flesh being eaten instead of merely being dried in the sun or over a fire.

A. P. Elkin, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Sydney, The Australian Aborigines, Angus & Robertson, 1938.


It appeared that a white man by himself on such a mission as mine might easily find himself wrapped in pandanum-leaves and roasting quietly on the ashes of an Arnhem-Land fire. ‘From well corroborated evidence, a form of cannibalism is still practised by three groups between the Blyth and Liverpool Rivers,’ Gordon Sweeney, a Patrol Officer in the Native Affairs Branch, one of my predecessors, wrote. ‘The bodies of all except the children, old people, and the diseased are cut up after death, the bones taken out and the flesh cooked and eaten. There appears to be no special ceremony at the time, or ceremonial significance attached to this practice, at least among two groups, the Manbuloi and the Gumauwurrk. A third group, the Rauwarang, do not allow the children to eat. The bones are shortly afterwards handed to the relative who is to carry them at the usual Buguburrt corroboree, which under this name is practised throughout the social area. The reason given for the cannibal practice in all three groups is that the people think that eating human flesh will make them clever at hunting, at spearing kangaroos, finding wild honey, getting yams, etc.’

I wondered about Sweeney’s warnings of Cannibalism. I had known the Australian aborigine for too long to believe that he was a blood-thirsty, man-eating savage. Provoked, he was savage. But I did not mean to be provocative. As for man-eating, I discovered later that this was only partly true. The Liverpool River natives did not kill men for food. The ate human flesh largely from superstitious beliefs. If they killed a worthy man in battle, they ate his heart, believing that they would inherit his valour and power. They ate his brain because they knew it represented the seat of his knowledge. If they killed a fast runner, they ate part of his legs, hoping thereby to acquire his speed.

S. Kyle-Little, Whispering Wind, Hutchinson 1957.


Among the native tribes of Australia, the bodies of those who fall in battle, honoured chiefs, and newborn infants, are frequently consumed to obtain their qualities, just as in the Torres Straits (which separate the northernmost territory of Australia from the southernmost part of New Guinea) the tongue and sweat of a slain enemy are imbibed to get his bravery.

E. O. James, Origins of Sacrifice, John Murray, 1933.
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #25 - Jan 1st, 2025 at 8:33am
Were is the evidence of all these babies being eaten by Aboriginal people that the authorities are doing nothing about and the media refuse to report....Is it a conspiracy or just racist stupidity from Boris the resident dickhead???

Huh Huh Huh
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If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.
Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #26 - Jan 1st, 2025 at 8:40am
philperth2010 wrote on Jan 1st, 2025 at 8:33am:
Were is the evidence of all these babies being eaten by Aboriginal people that the authorities are doing nothing about and the media refuse to report....Is it a conspiracy or just racist stupidity from Boris the resident dickhead???

Huh Huh Huh

I didn't know he'd toppled you from your throne? Grin
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"When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." ~ Ricky Gervais
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #27 - Jan 1st, 2025 at 8:46am
Boris wrote on Jan 1st, 2025 at 8:21am:
John Smith wrote on Dec 31st, 2024 at 1:47pm:
Boris wrote on Dec 31st, 2024 at 5:47am:
It happened - even up to the 1990s and still goes on now I believe

I believe you are a moron, and your posts prove it.  You've been searching for evidence for over a year and you fail each and every time. How does it feel to be such a loser?

Shall I continue?

Cannibalism will well known and recorded and understood all around the Pacific - Maori and PNG - are just 2 examples.

Aborigines were / are Cannibals and it was recorded up to the 1990s.

But Labor Voters say - "Oh no - Not our Precious"

Reality is - they were and possibley still are Cannibals.
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #28 - Jan 1st, 2025 at 8:48am
philperth2010 wrote on Jan 1st, 2025 at 8:33am:
Were is the evidence of all these babies being eaten by Aboriginal people that the authorities are doing nothing about and the media refuse to report....Is it a conspiracy or just racist stupidity from Boris the resident dickhead???

Huh Huh Huh

In the Initiations "Lore Time" the boys are sodomised and raped for 3 months and many die.

But that is OK for you - they were Cannibals - and it is all bad.
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: They Rape Murder and Eat Babies
Reply #29 - Jan 1st, 2025 at 9:01am
philperth2010 wrote on Jan 1st, 2025 at 8:33am:
Were is the evidence of all these babies being eaten by Aboriginal people that the authorities are doing nothing about and the media refuse to report....Is it a conspiracy or just racist stupidity from Boris the resident dickhead???

Huh Huh Huh

**distant thunder approaching**   it only takes one..
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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