Showing the essential fascism that is the ruzzian government’s mindset back into medieval time to now:
Quote:Alexander Dugin, the russian philosopher known as 'putin's brain' has publicly said:
"Without Ukraine, russia cannot become once more an empire. With Ukraine inside of russian zone of control, it will...." He went on to say: "This war is about that... It's about geopolitics."
This is an admital that the war is not about 'nazis', NATO 'expansion', bio labs, 'ethnic' russians, ancient lands, it's about imperial expansion.
This is what russia is about ⚡️
@Konrad9119 2 hours ago
“In the first place the policy of Russia is changeless, according to the admission of its official historian, the Muscovite Karamsin. Its methods, its tactics, its manoeuvres may change, but the polar star of its policy – world domination – is a fixed star. In our times only a civilised government ruling over barbarian masses can hatch out such a plan and execute it.” - Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
Meantime, $US1.00 will buy 112 rubles.
And Trumpy will continue US aid to Ukraine after ruzzia refused to attend peace talks. Fascist!