Jasin wrote on Jan 3
rd, 2025 at 12:27pm:
Maybe we should go to the 3rd Umpire on this?
Look - they needed their half-wit Dutch Socialist to set fire to the Reichstag - nobody GAF about Bryant and most assume him guilty.
An extraordinary performance for a guy with a very low IQ, and one likely to be easily lead in interrogation and susceptible to being offered a 'deal' that was a lie...
It happened with a retread in WA - repeatedly the cops dragged him in and he got used to just signing a piece of paper so he could go home again - until they grabbed him for alleged sexual assault - he had no idea what was going on, signed the paper and ended up in prison. Later released.
Amazing stories were made up after Bryant pleaded guilty (for whatever reason he did, and many say he was pressured to do so) - apparently he grabbed the steering wheel of his benefactor's car to run it off the road and kill her (but clearly not himself, DUH) - and similar fantasies created by some 'journalist' down there... all showing him in a bad light.
Reading that book was enough to raise a red flag with me... once these kinds of pub stories with no foundation put in an appearance and become 'fact' on repetition it raises the antennae - and I think this entire case should be re-visited.
It was Tasmanian two-headed justice, after all...