aquascoot wrote on Jan 2
nd, 2025 at 4:56am:
Karnal wrote on Jan 1
st, 2025 at 11:19pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jan 1
st, 2025 at 7:17pm:
Karnal wrote on Jan 1
st, 2025 at 7:15pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jan 1
st, 2025 at 7:08pm:
Karnal wrote on Jan 1
st, 2025 at 7:06pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jan 1
st, 2025 at 7:00pm:
Karnal wrote on Jan 1
st, 2025 at 6:56pm:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jan 1
st, 2025 at 6:41pm:
It shows just how far American politics has fallen when a convicted rapist who essentially tried to overturn an election can get elected to the Presidency. I pity those in America who now have to live with four more years of this delusional whackjob.
Now now, Armchair, we all have our different views and ways of seeing the world. Is this not the beauty of the pluralistic, rich multicultural tapestry we all share?
We live in a democracy with rights and freedoms inherent and absolute. Universal suffrage, direct representation, a rule of law with due process and justice for all.
Superior culture, innit.
Of course we all see the world differently. However, surely most reasonable people can concede that a person who has been convicted of rape is not fit to serve as President of the United States and should never have been permitted to run for that office? It's ridiculous - a person who is not a natural born US citizen cannot run for the office of President, but a convicted felon can. If that's not a joke, I don't know what is.
It's a civil case, Armchair. The felonies were just a minor paperwork error. He didn't mean to do it.
Obama was prez for eight years, and he was probably born in Kenya.
Where's the justice in that?
The justice in Obama is that he was cool, whereas Trump is the precise opposite of that - times several million.
Did you ever say that when Obama was
in power, Armchair?
Yep, and also that he was a gentleman and a decent human being with all whom he encountered. Can anyone honestly say that about Trump with a straight face? I think not.
Yes, but what sort of fool would want a decent human being leading the free world?
Who'd create all the disruption, vengeance, sexual abuse and - ahem - deportations?
Come come, Armchair. The Real Americans want a complete and utter cu
trumps election is indeed rediculous but says nothing about trump
everyone knows what trump is
its says EVERYTHING about the leftie intellectual elite such as YOU smug karnal and smug gweggy
it says just how repulsive the population find YOU
they find YOU and your type more repulsive then a fat lazy wife cheating convicted felon
exactly why do they hate you so much?
forget trump and concentrate on reforming your own failed social and emotional intelligence
Happy new year, dear, but far be it from my jolly self to identify as a
leftie intellectual elite.
I, after all, am a humble libertarian of the Sydney Push persuasion. A little old fashioned, but that's just moi.
Repulsive and despicable? Of course! But I and my type am far from the reckoning of the American voters you profess to know so well.
My sympathies are with the Aussies, who've already been fu
cked by your DL's trade wars before they've even begun. Our dollar's down a good five percent, and lowering. Our only hope is that Chi-na finds more developing countries to send our processed iron ore to. Xi's already recommitting to his friendship with Vlad, but alas.
Vlad's not building anything, he 's just tearing things down.
A bit like your DL, no? Everything he touches melts into air. All that is solid, no?
Democracy, the rule of law, various people's pussies. 28 miles of new steel slats, rusting away on the southern border. He failed so hard on his Wall, Sleepy Joe got all the arrivals when the Supreme Court made the government overturn title 42. He failed so hard on his spending, he added 8 tril to the deficit. He failed so hard on so much, you can't even find one legislative or policy achievement during his entire first term in office.
This is why you abandoned him so. Too bloated and obese, you said. Yesterday's man. Thoroughly deplorable. Do you recall?
You may have forgotten, but that's okay. We can find a good dozen things Sleepy Joe's achieved, and you agree.
That's why you put your support behind the "noble Ron D", who proved even more unpopular with the American voters.
After all, they found your type more repulsive then a fat lazy wife cheating convicted felon, no?