KangAnon wrote on Jan 3
rd, 2025 at 6:53am:
Bobby, if only you'd be able to answer every other question put to you with such researched accuracy you'd never need to post in the fringe...
It's very transparent when you've provided an answer vs copied something from google.
It's like a totally different person is replying.
Chemical bonds.
I studied SP1 SP2 and SP3 orbitals at Uni but I couldn't remember much from 40 years ago
so yes I had to resort to Google to help me.
Monk asking me about the valency of carbon in a carbon monoxide bond
showed a question from High School where it is all simplified for the kids.
When you get to Uni you realise you were only told 1% of the story.
I was watching Hybridization of atomic orbitals YouTube videos and one
mentioned the time independent Schrodinger equation and Hamiltonian mechanics used to derive them –
Here at 5:21 and 5:35
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azI-_S6g8C8Then I went to here:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamiltonian_mechanicshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger_equationand realised I was way out of my depth. LOL
At least some videos tried to simplify it:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewtgUFSMsnYI’m glad I
didn’t try to study chemistry any more than I did at Uni –
I would never have passed. It was not a strong subject for me.
I went on to study other subjects.
I find it remarkable that any human being was able to work all of that out for themselves.
Certainly Monk never gave an intellectual reply -
he doesn't haven't a clue about it.