It's Labor's fault - we're running out of electricity: remotely cuts power to 170,000 air conditioners six times in a month
By Owen Jacques
ABC Sunshine Coast
Topic:Electricity Production and Distribution
Wed 31 Jan
Queensland's state-owned power grid remotely turned down almost 170,000 air conditioners six times in the past two months as part of a scheme to protect the electricity network.
Key points:
Energex and Ergon can remotely turn down air conditioners
People signed up to the PeakSmart program have a small device installed on their unit for a cash rebate
Some mechanics have raised concerns about the devices, and the way they can be controlled
Some installers said they were wary of the PeakSmart scheme, which was introduced by the Newman government in 2012, because the guidelines regarding air-con control were not clear.
Energex and Ergon access air conditioners through PeakSmart meters, which are controlled via power lines, usually in return for access to a cash rebate of up to $400.
The goal of the meters is to reduce pressure on the network at peak times, often on hot days.
"The signal tells the air conditioner to drop into an energy efficient mode, similar to an economy setting," an Energy Queensland spokesman said.
"The fan keeps running but cycles the compressor down 50 per cent.
On Monday and Saturday last week, Energex used its remote access to limit 169,490 air conditioners to run at 50 per cent power between 4:20pm and 6:50pm across the south-east.