Bobby. wrote on Jan 8
th, 2025 at 2:49pm:
Karnal wrote on Jan 8
th, 2025 at 2:47pm:
John Smith wrote on Jan 8
th, 2025 at 11:58am:
Quote:Here's why he wants the island
He can sell it to Putin in exchange for the videos of hookers giving him a golden shower?
Aha. I think you've got it. Vlad's claiming his debt.
He'll demand Ukraine next, you'll see. DL will be forced to pay up. Vlad's longing for the day Zalensky's handed over. Straight to the gulags. Vlad can toy with him for a while before they administer the novichok.
We'll win so much we'll grow tired of winning, no?
Trump will remake the world in God's image.
That's the "noble Vlad's" image, Bobby.
Ace fighter pilot, champion equestrian, chess grand master, Olympic judo medalist, concert pianist, you name it, Vlad's a true Renaissance man, superior in every way.
Of course DL would defer to his Master, it's what you do. We've all gotta serve somebody, who better than Vlad?
The leftards should be bowing down to weep tears of pure gratitude for such greatness, but no. All they ever do is sneer.
Typical. Lives of pure garbage.
Despicable stuff.