mothra wrote on Jan 14
th, 2025 at 5:47am:
I remember a time when disasters united us as a people, as a community. Whatever tragic reason impelled us, we were brought together through times such as these.
And look at Gordy's thread. Did i see Frank ask how wind starts fires? And Lee ... jesus.
It's really just sad that in the face of all of this absolute horror, you lot are obsessing about how "woke" the establishment is. That is seriously you're foremost thought. Falling over yourselves to pillory somebody with that your foremost thought. Us and themism, in a time we are in tuth united in eery way that actually matters.
It's not my foremost thought. I'm thinking about the loss. Compassion. Empathy. Sympathy. Community.
The time for recrimination is not now. Shame on you who make that their got to. What on earth do you think you're achieving? What actually is your point? Whaat is it that you are trying to achieve?
Feelings Now Acceptable As Answers To Math Problems
"Any emotion, feeling, statement, or catchphrase is an acceptable answer to most of the problems in the new mathematics standards," a Common Core representative told reporters. "As long as students are being sincere, genuine, authentic, and true to themselves at the time they are answering the question, that's all we can ask as educators."
"Who are we to tell anyone that their own mathematical truth is wrong?" the rep added.
According to the rep, the Common Core standards will be updated next year to include feelings as acceptable responses to any and all questions pertaining to biology, chemistry, grammar, and history, while sources claim that English literature teachers have already been accepting emotions as responses for years.