Jovial Monk wrote on Jan 14
th, 2025 at 9:13pm:
Like the covid19 pandemic that Trumpy mishandled?
Q.How could Trump have mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic......
.......when his administration had expert advice on treatment for COVID-19,
from people
like Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx ?
/sarc offWWW search......
trump covid WH advisers
Jovial Monk wrote on Jan 14
th, 2025 at 9:13pm:
What about the H5N1 virus?
If that mutates so human to human transmission becomes possible while the orange fat arse is still POTUS?
And lots of idiots think vaccines are bad because of the con artists decrying the covid 19 vaccines?
Jovial Monk,
In Canada the medical authorities 'handled' the application of the COVID-19 vaccinations......
And lots of actual medical professionals in Canada, who were required to take COVID-19 vaccinations apparently died as a consequence !!!
The recent example of [the] doctors in Canada,
after their own mandatory C-19 vaccinations [mandatory for medical doctors, in that country.]
Yadda said.... Quote:>> Canadian doctors <<
are coming down with an explosion of cancers.
03 min William Makis:
"Canadian doctors who had at least 2 Covid vaccines were coming down with stage 4 cancers,
cancers that, you wouldn't expect at their age.
Colon cancers in their 30s, breast cancers in their 20s and 30s.
These were young people, these were medical residents or medical students in many cases. YIPPEE FOR 'EXPERTS' !!!!!!
/sarc off