pretend you are the ambulance driver
pretend you are travelling at 80 kph and in front of you is an endless chain of cars doing 80.
pretend there are double white lines'
pretend that there is a dangerous verge with loose gravel, long grass, driveways with concrete bollards, trees and drainage ditches (obscured by the grass).
now you cant overtake as there is an endless stream of oncoming traffic.
so you speed up to 90, come up behind a driver and put on lights and sirens.
what is he supposed to do?
the only way he can clear out of your path is to pull off to the left.
a manouvere which is impossible to do at speed without killing himself
so he slows down to pull over
as gordon said, he may have to slow to a near stop to safely get off the road
an all the time he is slowing, you are stuck slowing as well.
now the next guy up the road sees you running that guy off the road with your lights and sirens and he starts to slow and look off to the left for a possible exit point
so please tell me what you are achieving by having every car in front of you jamm on the brakes , on a road where you cant go across the middle line
please enlighten me on how cars going at 80 which are now braking are speeding up your journey ?
me thinks you are just too stubborn to admit you got it wrong
