Personally I condemn Neo-Fascists of all kinds - whether they be the black robes, who I find hilarious in their antics .... or the modern day Woke Fascists trying to take over running the whole show so they can impose on all others, and using Terror and verbal violence to try to get there.
Meanwhile, our 'government' of two parties just absorbs it all like a sleeping marshmallow ... look at the tranny issue, for example ... the world is moving to full reviews all around Australia, including the top Psych association here... and our 'government' sits there like a fat toad and looks good to the 'activists' by not acting, while continuing its policy of irritating the normal people wanting to get on with a decent life for a change without all the rubbish...
The Voice Has Fallen ....
The Voice by Stealth Is Approaching Uncontrolled Re-Entry To Public Pressure ...
Transylvania Has Fallen..
Washington Has Fallen ...
Darwin Has Fallen ...
Brisbane Has Fallen ...
The ACT Has Felled Itself Again ...
All The Rest Are Falling ......