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Chris Bowen is Retarded.. (Read 75 times)
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Australian Politics

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Chris Bowen is Retarded..
Jan 29th, 2025 at 10:39am
Labor's energy policy has been all headlines and spin over substance and results.

This is what can happen when a minister thinks he is [b]the smartest person in the room.

When he ignores advice and warnings from industry experts, including from his own departments.

When he refuses to meet with key industry players.

When he cancels meetings with industry stakeholders multiple times in a row, and then presents a stand-offish demeanour leaving industry wondering why they even bothered.

When he announces major policy initiatives on the fly, while government employees - who should have advised on it - learn of it on the news.

When unprecedented major market interventions that remove property rights are rammed through parliament a week before Christmas, without giving anyone time to read the policy, let alone consult on it or debate it (as happened with the gas price cap; our most communist legislation in a generation)

When his (delusional) ambitions for the leadership see him ceding too much to the green fringe, at the expense of blue collar jobs.

In energy debacle, our biggest power failure is Bowen
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« Last Edit: Jan 29th, 2025 at 10:45am by SerialBrain9 »  

Beware the Fury of a Patient Man.
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Brian Ross
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Re: Chris Bowen is Retarded..
Reply #1 - Jan 29th, 2025 at 11:29am
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Chris Bowen is Retarded..
Reply #2 - Jan 29th, 2025 at 11:39am
The policy is retarded - Bowen is but a puppet of an equally retarded party trying to push this nonsense on us.... the new 'Chief Scientist' loves this stuff and carries on about 'we' - as if We Of The Never Never Who Never Produce Much Carbon Gas As A Nation, have some control over what the Chinese and much of the Northern Hemisphere is continuing to do in great billowing clouds.... and as if, by imposing rigid over-centralised kontrols from Klimate Kentral Kanberra over each and every individual in This Proud Land That Once Was, 'we' can somehow affect what those growing richer by the moment nations are doing by going broke on woke ourselves!!

The man is a pure genius!!

Once again - I bring you The Grappler Plan of GAIAs... having divested itself of 'old, messy and worn-out technology' in such areas as steel-making etc by the simple process of shoving that on the Third World- now (as Trump and other wise men know full well) the time is ripe for the West to re-tool using the latest and most efficient an least polluting technologies.... that is where Trump is pushing America.....

As a culture, We Of The West NEED to re-tool and stop acting like tools.... otherwise we WILL be over-run by the dregs of culture from the burgeoning third world - who may well leave their corrugated tin shacks and mud huts and shonky clothes and rubber tyre thongs behind and put on the fine raiment of The Civilised Man - but they can never leave behind the rapacious nature required just to survive in that kind of environment.

If you doubt me - look around you ....... ever since the controls over immigration were left to hang as slack as a mooring rope for the Titanic waiting in the waters of New York.  Look at the rapaciousness that has overrun The Australian Way - in EVERY way!
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Australian Politics

Posts: 85201
Always was always will be HOME
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Re: Chris Bowen is Retarded..
Reply #3 - Jan 29th, 2025 at 1:03pm
**pull up rock for fireside chat**

"Well - just an hour ago I heard from the Eld Gel that a childhood friend of hers had suffered a stroke and had lapsed into a coma ... doesn't look good.  Funny thing - only last week they caught up after not chatting for a few years .... so it all seems, in retrospect, to have been a timely thing

Point is - her daughter came up when this lady was diagnosed with dementia and fall out with the lady's long time companion - another old friend of the Eld Gel and her ex bro-in-law - over - you guessed it .... money in the will.... so he, at age 80, packed up and went to live with one of his sons.... for whom, fortunately - the Eld Gel had made moves to guarantee a home of his own for the first time in his life, after years in the Army and not having one ...... how it works and works......

So all this grabbing and rapacious behaviour over money etc is so much a part of things these days - I'm considering ski-ing the lot!  Spend it on wild trips and such and just waste the rest..."
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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