AusGeoff wrote Yesterday at 8:55am:
I guess my question would be if the police officer had
said to Kerr; "You're stupid and you're black" would the
media outrage be identical, similar, or different?
As far as I'm concerned, the mere fact that she used
the definitive word "white" is of course racist. It would've
been an entirely different scenario had she simply called
the officer a stupid dickhead or a wanker, but using the
word white changes the entire complexion (LOL) of the
My solution? That Kerr writes a personal and public
apology to the police officer, including an acknowledgement
of what she said was indeed racist, and that she understood
that nobody should be vilified because of their race alone.
And as a mark of her sincerity, she could also make a
significant donation to one of the UK police support charities.
As far as I can tell though, Kerr has shown no remorse for her
offensive behaviour, and has done her best to place the blame
for the incident directly upon, firstly, the taxi driver, and secondly
the police.
That won't happen - she's been found "not guilty" of racial harassment.
If she had done that in the first place along with agreeing to pay for the clean up the incident would not of happened.
So now she'd feel justified in being the racist biatch she is.
And her supposedly an anti- racism Ambassador?
Oh the irony.
What a joke.
It amuses me that
most of the well known sports people or celebrities of colour that cry racism & see it in everything and use it as a get out jail free card excuse for their behaviour have white partners.