Getting directly to media promoted spacecraft travel are fantasy Lies.
Earth is travelling around the sun at ruffly 67,000 mph. If outer space within earth’s orbit of the sun had any atmosphere, that atmosphere would strip away earth’s atmosphere. Rocket propulsion exhaust pushing against earth’s atmosphere to obtain enough speed to maintain an orbit around earth, rocket propelled spacecraft once having left earth’s atmosphere are travelling on 14,700 mph plus momentum to hold an earth’s orbit. Once rocket engine spacecraft are in a no atmosphere orbit, expelling weight in one direction pushes spacecraft in the opposite direction similar to firing bullets recoil action. Launching spacecraft into an orbit, weight limits while in outer space limit small directional adjustments.
Liquid rocket fuel requires oxygen to burn, as outer space has zero oxygen spacecraft have to carry oxygen in liquid form held in pressurised containers assuming made of metal. As expanding gas has zero push influences on spacecraft, any witnessing on media stories of flames coming out of rocket exhausts are mere faked images.
Spacecraft have to carry large amounts of weighed material to be used to alter direction while travelling towards it’s intended media fake story destination.
When witnessing spacecraft entering earth’s orbit, no extra storage space past the initial payload purpose: satellite; manned cap-cell… Media documentaries shown history of space travel explains mere obtaining earth’s orbit spacecraft need to ditch a booster rocket while continuing to burn fuels to obtain enough momentum to gain altitude above earth’s thinnest atmosphere altitude at a speed to hold an altitude for many years.
Going to the moon 240,000 mile from earth is far far further away from earth when considering effort required to enter earth’s low altitude orbits.
A story stated by NASA engineers on a documentary about Apollo missions going to the moon, the slingshot Apollo modules theory is an obvious lie, spacecraft aren’t attached to a string, with a hand pulling on a sting in a circular motion pulling the sling shot rock in a desired direction.
Another NASA engineering in space media story stating a rocket engine boost burn obtaining 26,000 mph speed required to send Apollo modules to the moon, falling into the moon’s orbit at 3,000 mph, 65 miles above the moon's surface, as my above statements indicate rocket engine exhausts don’t work in outer space vacuum and that spacecraft on entering earth’s orbit said to be going to the moon have no seen capable space for carrying increased weight for manipulating spacecraft.
If spacecraft could travel to other planets, exampling the moon, moon having one sixth the gravity of earth, moon’s gravity extends to earth, influencing earth ocean tides, due to earth 24 hour rotation if earth had longer days, moon’s influence on tides would be increased. Spacecraft taking 4 days to get to the moon, moon gravity would influence spacecraft’s path direction.
Any spacecraft travelling to the moon, the moon’s gravity would pull spacecraft directly into the centre of the moon, my assumption no amount of spacecraft propulsion influence could prevent a spacecraft high speed crash on the moon’s surface.
Taking off from the moon as shown on the last Apollo mission, a sudden explosion between Apollo landing module and Apollo module stand propelling 15,000 pound weight of the many Apollo modules upwards is another obvious lie. In order to move heavy weighed objects, objects need increased sustained momentum, exampling bullets require a barrel, gunpowder have time period burn used to increase the speed on bullets as bullets travel down barrels. The longer the barrel the further bullets travel. What’s seen on the Apollo module liftoff from the moon was earth studio faked. As the camera on the said buggy pans upwards, the camera scene shows the Apollo module using a fire burning rocket to continue the module gaining altitude away from the moon surface which the landing module had to travel 65 miles and speed up from almost 0 mph to 3,000 mph to dock with the Apollo Orbiting Module... does the fantasy story get any more impossible.
Scenes shown Apollo landing module docking with the orbiting module have thinkable faults, one being no exhaust liquids were seen from Apollo landing module manoeuvring exhausts jets.
Stated Apollo 11 module fell back to earth reaching Earth’s atmosphere at 24,000 mph, the path of Apollo modules shown to have not been so influenced by earth’s 6 times stronger than the moons gravity, Apollo modules entered earth’s orbit as thought Apollo module was circling earth at least once before reentering earth’s atmosphere, splashing down in an ocean, camera distance from Richard Nixon on an aircraft carrier.
I’m sure even though above evidence seems credible self-judge to be highly intelligent readers will refuse to believe they can be fooled. My Mr X mention previously states “if Penn and Teller states men have walked on the moon surface, he believes Penn and Teller not engineering arguments”. So much of a big head narcissist Mr X refuses to believe he’s been fooled.
There are people whom cannot believe they can be fooled and or that governments use media to tell many manipulating lies.