Brian Ross wrote on Mar 4
th, 2025 at 11:51am:
Gnads wrote on Mar 4
th, 2025 at 10:08am:
Brian Ross wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2025 at 9:39pm:
My question, exactly what did you want the Government to do to the PLAN Task Force? Sink it? What effect did it sailing around Australia actually have on Australia? Anything at all? All the PLAN has demonstrated is that it can support two warships on a long range expedition. Nothing more. They have disrupted a few flights to and from New Zealand and that is about all. They have exercised their right to Freedom of Seas Navigation. Nothing more. They have done exactly what we have done in the South China Sea. This is all a non-event. It has got you lot into a brouhaha over basically nothing. The Australian Government has reacted responsibly and sensibly. Far more sensibly than most of you lot have. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
You really are a stupid old girly skirt Drama Queen.
Answer no.
But our ADF should - at all times have surveillance & monitoring capability of foreign warships off our Coast.
Just like China would - and if anyone was going to sink something it would be them.
What they did with that Chinese fighter jet firing anti missile flares at/in front our surveillance plane over the Sth China Sea a fortnight ago could have bought it down & killed the crew.
China maybe a trading partner but they are not our Allies.
Marvellous how you defend or play down the actions of every country and group against Australia, Australians and its/their interests ....
why the hell are you even living here.
Like you, I am an Australian Citizen. I have a chance at Freedom of Speech and Thought, just as you do. What makes you right and me wrong? Nothing.
My thoughts are founded on extensive study and learning of strategic thought. I do
not believe that Australia should act irresponsibly and be provoking a conflict with the PLAN, unlike it seems you. I believe we should avoid war at all costs because I do not believe in the unnecessary sacrifice of Australian lives. Australia has a reputation of fairness and strategic might when it is required. If we go to war we usually have good reasons for doing so.
You OTOH are running round like a chook with it's head cut off, panicking at every opportunity. As I've said, the PLAN has basically done nothing wrong except lacking forethought and apparently not being willing to alert us to it's live fire exercise. It's live fire exercise has
just disrupted a few international flights, thats all. We have reacted responsibly. Our strategic plans do not cover the east coast as much as the north-west coast.
We have JINDALEE the most advanced over-the-horizon radar, we have Poseidon aircraft and we have NORFORCE. We could have more but what we have is adequate. The PLAN has proved they can push two ships a long way from China. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
1. You believe whatever Bwyan - you're views on my views are assumptive BS.
2. I did not suggest Australia should "provoke" PLAN - more assumptive BS - not strategic thought.
3. More BS.
4."lacking forethought and apparently not being willing to alert us to it's live fire exercise". So why was that diplomatic courtesy given to PNG 2 weeks earlier when no live firing was going to occur in their waters?
It seems that the whole exercise was deliberate as a muscle flexor to make a point ... a provocation as it were.
Never mind you failing to accept the deliberate provocation a fortnight ago when the Chinese fighter fired it's anti missile flares at our Orion Surveillance plane in International Airspace over the Sth China sea.
They lied accusing Australia of being in Chinese air space.
Do you see how one sided their actions and your excuse making for them are? ... never mind you defending our lack of monitoring capability off our coast line.
5. They had no right to be disrupting International Flights out of Australia because of their lack of diplomacy and consideration.
Imagine the shoe on the other foot.

6. JINDALEE & NORFORCE weren't worth 2 knobs of goat poo in this instance.
7. Of the 12 P-8A Poseidon aircraft the RAAF has how many were operational?
None of them were tracking/observing these PLAN vessels. We had to rely commercial airlines to advise on their live firing exercise.
"The PLAN has proved they can push two ships a long way from China".Yes and what should that tell you abut our defense and reaction capabilities being inadequate? Tsk tsk tsk