aquascoot wrote on Mar 4
th, 2025 at 6:37pm:
zelensky went and campaigned for harris in pennsylvania in the run up to the election.
imagine putin campaigning for trump (karnals head would explode)
so he made his nest and now he has to lie in it
he could have shown gratitude to donny and JD but instead he behaved like an entitled brat.
i feel for the brave ukranian soldiers (the few who are left) but to zelensky i would say
"this is what defeat looks like", time to get that jet to hollywood and kick it with robert de niro
met with Harris, you rediculous old thing. He met Donny too, do you remember?
Sorry, in your words,
campaigned for.But then, they're not your words, now are they? They're the words of JD, the guy who called your DL Hitler.
But let's get real. You're on record saying lies are good. Playing the game, you say, by the rules of the game itself. We need more of them, you said.
Masterful weaving.
Zalensky is not playing a game. We're not playing cards, he said. He's there to protect the fate of over 40 million Ukrainians. For Zalensky, truth matters. For those of us engaged in political discussion, it's the only thing that counts.
Vlad has sent 800,000 Russians to their death. 200,000 Ukrainians have been slaughtered - for nothing. Many were civilians. Vlad is currently targeting people in their homes.
That's not on Zalensky, that's on Vlad. You're not holding too many cards, now are you?
On Day One, DL said, it'll all be over. He may even do a deal before he gets in, he said, we'll need to wait and see what happens.
We've seen. DL defended Vlad, blamed Zalensky and threw him out of the White House. He's now stopped all military aid for Ukraine. You don't feel for any Ukrainian soldiers or civilians, you just support Vlad.
So now, we know. You, Bobby and all the cult. You never supported peace at all.
You just repeat the words you're told.
Yes, Master....