thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2025 at 1:07pm:
Karnal wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2025 at 5:36am:
aquascoot wrote on Mar 2
nd, 2025 at 6:22pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 2
nd, 2025 at 6:06pm:
chimera wrote on Mar 2
nd, 2025 at 5:44pm:
thegreatdivide wrote on Mar 2
nd, 2025 at 5:37pm:
I expect China, at that time, won't be interested in being a new global empire, rather playing a role in establishing a new universal prosperity.
Marla lives on cannabis. You too?
Why would China even want to defeat the US in a costly war (in terms of life and property on all sides) when/if it surpasses the US economy; surely peace is a much more attractive option for China and the world, than a hated global hegemony.
both the americans and the chinese dont seem the types to expand their borders.
the chinese look inward and the yanks could have taken over europe and 1/2 of asia in 1945 if they wanted.
most of the european powers certainly would have
Strange. Chinese gunboats are currently doing operations off Taipei Harbour. A flotilla of Chinese warships just sailed past
Sydney Harbour.
The strange - and sad thing - is your inability to analyze
"national self-interest", and then resort to the
insanity of war to settle disputes arising from that self-interest.
[Interestingly, the anti-nuclear-weapons people are out in force in NY for their week-long events calling for global nuclear disarmanent, while Trump himself has said there are "too many nukes in the world", forcing the US to stay ahead in the nuclear arm race, thereby directing resources away from social welfare in the US: the US spends only 20% of GDP on social programs, cf, Europe's similar size economy which spends 25% of GDP on social welfare. Cf, military spending: US - 3.5% of GDP, Europe - 2%.]
Quote:Yes, they were just 150 nautical miles from your quarter acre block in outer suburban Brisbane. Now why would the Chows be acting so bold, perhaps?
To dissuade you from "defending" Taiwan which is inhabited by Chinese people, and has never been an independent nation.
While the Oz military are supposedly maintaining "freedom of passage" in the SCS including transits of the Taiwan Straits, when China - the world' greatest trading nation - itself needs that "freedom of passage" to remain open.
Quote:Do you think the big fella's encouraging them to be look inwards? A little Zen meditation, perhaps?
No. Trump knows a war with a nuclear power to "defend" Tawain is insane. You want to risk WW3?
Quote:No doubt DL's given Xi a copy of his favorite Sun Tzu, no?
No. War is obsolete in the age of MAD, which was Trump's point to Zelensky.
Oh-er, looks like we have a new MAGA recruit, leftards - by way of
Beijing.How does it feeeeeeel, Fwank? You're sharing your cabin with a Ching-Chong Chinaman.
All aboard, leftards. Broad church, innit.
Taiwan is
currently an independent nation, Great. They have things called erections. You know, like jolly old Ukraine, who voted for Zalensky.
4%, according to DL. RIGGED !!!
He never should have started his naughty old war with Vlad, no? What a warmonger. There's JD and DL, pleading with the warmonger Zalensky. Give us your raw earth, DL said. We'll look out for you.
Yes, Zalensky said, but we'll need a security guarantee. Your miners would lose their shirts. Vlad would take the lot.
Don't you worry about that, DL said. Vlad would be too scared.
Excuse me, Zalensky said. Vlad's already broken 25 agreements, so we know.
Yes, but that was Sleepy Joe. He was half-dead. Totally incompetent.
Sorry, the last deal he broke was in 2020. We had a prisoner swap. Here - Zalensky showed photos. These are kids - 200,000, taken to Russia, placed with new parents and taught to forget their old ones. Look, this one's a pastor - he's even kidnapping priests, locking them up and torturing them.
So sad, DL said.
Look, JD said, don't be rude. Have you thanked DL once?
Sorry? Zalensky said.
For your earth. Here we are offering to take your minerals off your hands, JD said. We haven't heard you say thank you.
Thank you, Zalensky said.
DL didn't hear you, JD said. Say it louder - for the fake news.
I'm trying to explain, Zalensky said. You take our raw earth, Vlad will cheat you, then you'll know. You'll feel it.
No no, DL said, I've heard enough. You people need to mind your manners. You need to smile and say thanks for the fake news.
Yes, Zalensky said, but...
Don't interrupt, DL said. Don't tell us how we're going to feel. We're going to feel strong again. We're going to have so much raw earth, we'll be rolling in it. We will make America...
DL went on a bit after that, but they were done. DL chucked Zalensky and his interpreter out of the White House. They didn't even get to eat lunch.
So Great's happy. DL's not going to mess with any dictator's plans for world domination. Ukraine?
Gone. Next stop Poland. While Vlad does into Europe, that leaves Xi to take Taiwan, grab the South Pacific and encircle Australia.
Xi, Vlad and DL can discuss Stephen Covey next time they catch up for a round of golf.
A real "win-win", eh?
Ever get the feeeeeling?