aquascoot wrote on Mar 2
nd, 2025 at 8:45am:
hi meister.
an interesting fact.
the dutch, the habsburgs, the prussians, napoleonic france, the ottoman empire , the british empire all collapsed shortly after they hit one parameter.
the money they were spending on interest for foreign debt began exceeding the ammount they were spending on their military.
The USA hit this circumstance last year.
Is it possible for america to fund the defence of europe , fund the conflict in the middle east and fund the defence of taiwan simultaneously.
it would appear not
Obama declared that america must pivot to the pacific during his term.
How then can trump solve the financial position and the military position.
How can he de escalate the situation in europe.
Is not the idea of american companies establishing a large presence whilst co-partnering with the ukraine in mining a win/win?
Would putin be likely to re kindle a war with the ukraine if there were 1000's of americans working in the ukraine, creating wealth for the ukranians and providing security in the process.
Is this not a possible solution?
The alternative would see Zalensky , in the words of sun tzu, "seeing the destruction of his country,so that he could rule over the ashes"
The USA can no longer take on russia, iran, china and north korea by itself.
putin is an evil man but he is very very mild compared to stalin (butcher of 20 million of HIS OWN PEOPLE) who was invited and indeed courted by FDR and churchill.
Trump can re establish a world that is much safer and more prosperous.
the alternative is "what exactly"??
The US imperial structure is unlike any previous empire - it establishes fully operational bases staffed by very few Americans, as opposed to shipping over standing armies.
The US did not provide hundreds of billions in cash to Ukraine as Europe did... the US provided beyond-use-by-date weapons with their total cost reestimated, to account for inflation, at hundreds of billions of dollars. The cost of the US having to destroy and dispose of these weapons would have exceeded the cost of simply shipping them to Ukraine... Now the US wants to be repaid for these arms as if they were straight out of the shrink-wrap- a Mafia-style shakedown.
The US, like all imperial powers, doesn't ask permission to enter a country and doesn't leave. Instead, it arrogates all military control from the host country to itself.
US wars since WW2 have, almost all of them, been instigated by the US -the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Gulf War I, Afghanistan, Gulf War II...
In every case, it has asked for, and received, assistance from its allies - wars those allies would not have entered, much less instigated, except on the command of the US.