![]() OzPolitic membersOzPolitic is offering free custom home pages to the general public. If they prove popular we will set up a system that allows you to log in and edit them directly. To get your own custom home page, see the instructions below.Instructions for creating your own home page.Use the template below, which is the code for enviro's home page. Copy it into notepad and save it with a html extension (eg template.html). Edit the text, code etc until you are happy with the results. To view the results, save the file and open it in internet explorer. You don't have to close the notepad file when you do this. You can update the notepad file, save it again, then hit refresh in internet explorer to check you corrections. If you want something more extravagant, have a look around until you find one you like, then go to view -> source and save the text file to your computer or copy the code into your notepad file. You can add sections for your favourite books, movies, politicians etc.When you are done, email it in to me (see the contacts page or my home page), along with any pictures. If you don't include pictures and you have a forum avatar which you supplied yourself, I will use that. It is probably a good idea not to include unnecessary personal information about yourself. Code template<h1><img class="noborder" src="avi.jpg" alt="enviro's photo" /> enviro</h1><p> If you are a member you can contact enviro via <a href="http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?action=viewprofile;username=enviro">our forum</a>. </p><p> <b>Causes:</b> Australian Republic. Changing the system to suit all and to benefit all. Cleaning up the planet. </p><p style="color:red"> TAKING OUT THE TRASH </p><p> <b><i>Sticks and Stones may break my bones <br /> But names will never hurt me. </b></i> </p><p> <b>About me:</b> I am a self motivated person that enjoys winning. Self achievement puts me on a high. I enjoy computer games predominately simulations and strategy games. I am interested in people and especially in their life experiences and accumulation of knowledge. I believe we live in the best country in the world and it makes me sick in the stomach everytime I here the word "rascism". </p><p> <b>A source of inspiration for me: </b>The Porta-Loo King. Just goes to say you can make money out of anything. (<span style="color:red">Only Joking</span>) </p><p> <b>My political philosophy:</b> </p><p> <img class="noborder" src="http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz-score/draw.php?p=2&e=2" alt="enviro's political philosophy, care of theadvocates.org" /> </p> |