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UFO Disclosure (Read 264030 times)
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Mawson Base
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #240 - May 1st, 2013 at 10:32pm
it_is_the_light wrote on May 1st, 2013 at 10:11pm:
well the US does have many

very powerful nodal points upon

this biosphere

The 19.47 Earth Meridians
„ The inner earth is stabilized by
the star tetrahedron.
„ The vortex spin points are
located on the 19.47 North and
South Meridians where all of
the pyramids have been built.
„ The second image shows how the 64
tetrahedron structure fits within the
„ Graphic by Nassim Haramein

do you deny this?


- : )

...interesting theory, but extremely highly unlikely

perhaps a less insane reason that US citizens report about 96% of the UFO sightings in the world is that their domestic propaganda system and Hollywood garbage diet is very intense and efficient

You would think that if UFOs were flying all over the planet, then perhaps one of our well educated scientists at MAwson base in Antarctica would spot one.

Perhaps the UFO sightings and reports would be dominated by the almost 3 billion CHinese and Indians on this planet.

There is this theory that CHinese and Indian people actually possess the ability of SIGHT and can look up in the sky

but its only a rumour

more likely is that UFOs are just that - objects that are unidentified - not aliens in special flying machines
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« Last Edit: May 1st, 2013 at 11:06pm by Chimp_Logic »  

Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #241 - May 1st, 2013 at 10:37pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on May 1st, 2013 at 10:32pm:
it_is_the_light wrote on May 1st, 2013 at 10:11pm:
well the US does have many

very powerful nodal points upon

this biosphere

The 19.47 Earth Meridians
„ The inner earth is stabilized by
the star tetrahedron.
„ The vortex spin points are
located on the 19.47 North and
South Meridians where all of
the pyramids have been built.
„ The second image shows how the 64
tetrahedron structure fits within the
„ Graphic by Nassim Haramein

do you deny this?


- : )

...interesting theory, but extremely highly unlikely

perhaps a less insane reason ....

you may pursue insanity yes



concrete science is delivered here

The 19.47 Earth Meridians
„ The inner earth is stabilized by
the star tetrahedron.
„ The vortex spin points are
located on the 19.47 North and
South Meridians where all of
the pyramids have been built.
„ The second image shows how the 64
tetrahedron structure fits within the


these pages of truth

there is no brush or snowjob you possess that can

lend any smoke to the screen here effectively

be at peace with as much


- : )
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #242 - May 1st, 2013 at 10:41pm
new york in particular is very powerful

along with observatories communication and

sacred ritual sites around this planet creating

massive layers of interacting vortices

many wish to tap into these areas..

do you deny this?


- : )

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Mawson Base
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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #243 - May 1st, 2013 at 11:07pm

sorry mate, totally unsubstantiated nonsensical claims and delirious untruths that you speaketh of

And you were doing so well.

I carried out some preliminary calculation on the what the probability is for what you claim to be true

and I am afraid the Pr(true) approaches zero

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« Last Edit: May 1st, 2013 at 11:16pm by Chimp_Logic »  

Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #244 - May 2nd, 2013 at 5:29am

sorry mate


forgiven for your ignorance


- : )

Earth's Grid Systems

Science and Pseudoscience


Topography, is the study of Earth's surface shape and features or those of planets, moons, and asteroids. It is also the description of such surface shapes and features (especially their depiction in maps). The topography of an area can also mean the surface shape and features themselves.

Planetary Energetic Grid Theory


Planetary Energetic Grid Theory falls under the heading of pseudoscience. It operates through geometric patterns called Sacred Geometry. Grids meet at various intersecting points forming a grid or matrix. This is equivalent to the acupressure points on our bodies. These grid points can be found at some of the strongest power places on the planet.


Plato recognized grids and their patterns, devising a theory that the Earth's basic structure evolved from a simple geometric shapes to more complex ones. These shapes became known as platonic solids: cube (4), tetrahedron (3), octahedron (8), dodecahedron (12), icosahedron(20). In Timeaus, Plato associated each shape with one of the elements, earth, fire, air, ether, and water. The Earth's energy grids, from the beginnings of its evolutionary course, has evolved through each of these shapes to what it is today. Each shape, superimposed, one upon the other to create a kind of all encompassing energy field that is the very basis of Earth holding it all together.

Becker-Hagens Grid


Bill Becker and Bethe Hagens discussed the code of the Platonic Solids' positions on Earth, ascribing this discovery to the work of Ivan P. Sanderson, who was the first to make a case for the structure of the icosahedron at work in the Earth. He did this by locating what he referred to as Vile Vortices refer to a claim that there are twelve geometrically distributed geographic areas that are alleged to have the same mysterious qualities popularly associated with the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Sea near Japan, and the South Atlantic Anomaly.

Becker and Hagens' attention was drawn to this research through the work of Chris Bird, who punished "Planetary Grid" in the New Age Journal in May 1975. After meeting with Bird, they completed their Grid making it compatible with all the Platonic Solids, by inserting a creation from Buckminster Fuller's work.

They proposed that the planetary grid map outlined by the Russian team Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov is essentially correct, with its overall organization anchored to the north and south axial poles and the Great Pyramid at Gizeh. They believed the Russian map lacked completeness, which led them to them overlaying a complex, icosahedrally-derived, spherical polyhedron developed by R. Buckminster Fuller. In his book Synergetics 2, he called it the "Composite of Primary and Secondary Icosahedron Great Circle Sets."


South America's grid triangle forms the continent around itself. In looking at the southernmost tip of South America, you can see how the force of node number 58 pushes the land away from its due south trend and towards the east. Then, if you look at node 49, on the middle of the East Coast of South America near Rio de Janeiro, you can clearly see how the force of the node has pushed the landmass of the continent into a rounded shape.


Looking at Australia, you can clearly see that the whole continent, and especially the northwest side, forms very precisely within the stretching forces of this area of the Global Grid. Here, if we look to the exact north and middle of Australia on point 27, we see a circular "node point" displacing the land around it and forming the Gulf of Carpenteria. Again, the nodes themselves have shaped the land into circular "vortices," repelling the continental mass from themselves and in this case, also shaping the outline of the island directly above Australia.

Node 44 is precisely aligned with the bottom of Antarctica, and we see either edge "drooping" to the right or the left from this. According to Richard Lefors Clark, this is the "bowtie" energetic configuration showing itself in the Australian landmass, which he calls a "diamagnetic energy vortex." We will examine how such a shape could be formed by the curved, spiraling energies that make up the grid below. Clark also shows us that the Gulf of Mexico follows this same curving energetic organization, as well as the two coastlines of the continental United States.

Africa shows the combined action of two larger triangles, one with the point facing downwards on the African continent and its neighbor pointing upwards, griding the Indian Sea.



Ley Lines

Ley lines are alleged alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths that are thought by certain adherents to dowsing and New Age beliefs to have spiritual power.

Their existence was suggested in 1921 by the amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, in his book The Old Straight Track.
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #245 - May 2nd, 2013 at 5:33am
Spiritual Significance of Ley Lines: Magical and Holy lines
Watkins's theories have been adapted by later writers. Some of his ideas were taken up by the occultist Dion Fortune who featured them in her 1936 novel The Goat-footed God. Since then, ley lines have become the subject of a few magical and mystical theories.

Two British dowsers, Captain Robert Boothby and Reginald A. Smith of the British Museum, have linked the appearance of ley lines with underground streams and magnetic currents. Guy Underwood conducted various investigations and claimed that crossings of 'negative' water lines and positive aquastats explain why certain sites were chosen as holy. He found so many of these 'double lines' on sacred sites that he named them 'holy lines.'

Separate from other spiritual theories of ley lines (and likely used for propaganda purposes), two German Nazi researchers Wilhelm Teudt and Josef Heinsch have claimed that ancient Teutonic peoples contributed to the construction of a network of astronomical lines, called ÒHoly linesÓ (Heilige Linien), which could be mapped onto the geographical layout of ancient or sacred sites. Teudt located the Teutoburger Wald district in Lower Saxony, centered around the dramatic rock formation called Die Externsteine as the centre of Germany. Nazism often employed ideation of superiority and associated Aryan descent with ancient higher cultures, often without regard for archaeological or historic fact. See religious aspects of Nazism.

Hartmann Net or Hartmann Lines
The Hartmann net consists of naturally occurring charged lines, running North-South and East-West. It is named after Dr. Ernst Hartmann, a well regarded German medical doctor, who first described it soon after the second world war. Alternate lines are usually positively and negatively charged, so where the lines intersect it is possible to have double positive charges and double negative charges, or one positive and one negative charge. It is the intersections that are seen to be a source of potential problems.

The Hartmann Net appears as a structure of radiations rising vertically from the ground like invisible, radioactive walls, each 21 centimetres (9 inches) wide. The grid is magnetically orientated, from North to South they are encountered at intervals of 2 metres (6 feet 6 inches), while from East to West they are 2.5 metres (8 feet) apart. Between these geometric lines lies a neutral zone, an unperturbed micro-climate. This network penetrates everywhere, whether over open ground or through dwellings.

The Hartmann net has been defined using the Chinese terms of Yin and Yang. The Yin (North-South lines) is a cold energy which acts slowly, corresponds to winter, is related to cramps, humidity and all forms of rheumatism. The Yang (East-West lines) is a hot, dry rapidly acting energy. It is related to fire and is linked to inflammations.

The points formed by the intersection of these lines, whether positive or negative, are dynamic environments sensitive to the rhythms of the hours and the seasons.

It has been suggested that both the Curry grids and Hartmann Net are earthing grids for cosmic rays that constantly bombard the Earth, and that they can be distorted by other things, such as geological fault lines and underground mining. It is also possible to have spots where the Curry and Hartmann lines cross, causing further potential problems. These spots are generally seen to be more detrimental than a single crossing within the Curry or Hartmann system.

Comparing Curry Lines, Hartmann Lines and Ley Lines
Curry lines are approximately 3 meters apart (with variations), diagonally to the poles, east to west.

Hartmann lines run both east-west and north-south forming a grid across the earths surface with a distance of circa 2 meters in the north-south direction and 2.5 meters in the east-west direction.

Ley lines are man-made energy lines, created by stone formations such as stone ships or other ancient archaeological structures. The knowledge of creating Ley lines is supposed to be lost.
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #246 - May 2nd, 2013 at 6:29am

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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #247 - May 2nd, 2013 at 9:11am

Published on Apr 5, 2013
Two New Area51 Books Tell Of Gradual Disclosure to the Public about UFO's and the Technology They Possess
FULL Story Here =

Author = Grant Cameron

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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #248 - May 2nd, 2013 at 9:26am

Mystery surrounds ancient orb discovery
From: News Limited Network
May 02, 2013 12:53AM


A view of the Temple of the Feathered Serpent at the archaeological site of Teotihuacan, 45 kilometres northeast of Mexico City. Picture: AFP Source: AFP


Lost ancient underwater city revealed
A LOST city found underwater in the Mediterranean Sea is set to be revealed next week in a special television documentary.

IN A discovery set to delight alien invasion enthusiasts, 1800-year-old, once-metallic orbs have been found under an ancient pyramid in Mexico City.


The spheres, covered in pyrite, or fool's gold, are interesting on their own but the fact that they were found deliberately buried under a pyramid in the ancient city of Teotihuacan, once the most populated city in the world, has led some to call it an "unprecedented discovery."
Anthropologists deduce that the Teotihuacans knew they were not going to survive and mysteriously abandoned the city in 700AD. Some say that may have been due to a famine or due to some kind of invasion.
Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History has posted photos of the discovery on its website. See the images below.

Before the Teotihuacans disappeared they hid the orbs at the Temple of the Feathered Serpent in tunnels so deep that it took scientists years of planning before they could even dig.
Gizmodo reports that wireless robots are currently scouring the area for any new discoveries with researchers still having three chambers left to dig through.
Scientists are still in the dark about what the orbs may have been used for but possibly they were used for religious purposes to present to the gods.
The orbs were yellow, which comes from jarosite, which forms as pyrite oxidizes.  When the orbs were used,  they would have been glittering  balls of gold.


" Teotihuacans knew they were not going to survive and mysteriously abandoned the city in 700AD. "

these dear ones were taken off world

and ascended

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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #249 - May 2nd, 2013 at 10:14am

Breaking News UFO Crashes Pacific Ocean? Massive UFO Lights Up East Coast


Wednesday, April 24, 2013 2:11
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #250 - May 3rd, 2013 at 1:28pm


We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Beloved Earth Humans!

Many of you are asking – and it is not surprising – how things on your earth will unfold, given the many seeming delays of promises made to you.

It may appear that the structure of your lives, which are processes that inhere in your planetary reality, is stretched like a rubber band so that you are discovering and begin to observe its inner working.

It is as if a magnifying glass has been spread over your affairs.
You cannot help therefore but closely look at and discover the actual fabric of your societies, their mind forms and internal functioning, their intentions and results.

You see, every single period in creation has its specific characteristic and purpose, and the intention of the creator’s mind for your present experience is exactly that: to understand fully and in detail how your world is structured in order to make a new decision, to develop a new vision and to manifest it.

In order to make an evolutionary process possible, the constituents of the  status quo of a situation must be thoroughly understood. It must be understood in detail, so that you, humanity, can use this knowledge for change and to develop a new form of being.

In this process humanity is of course not alone or separated from the mind of the Creator. It is a cooperation, as you are His Forms in Which He recognizes Himself as His Creation. That is, you are directly connected and One with the Creator’s Intention, as soon as you understand It.

It is your impatience and and non-understanding or forgetfulness of how the evolutionary process from within a low vibrational density is working, that creates un-necessary frustration for you, as you have perhaps neglected these particulars.

But they are becoming now obvious to you and you will suddenly realize that there were no delays in the progression. It only appeared to you as such. Because it is about the intensification of the process that needs to go into the depth of the matter.

Right now, for example, the  dual powers of your world, that you are experiencing as light and dark, are exposed as incompatible opposites in such a drastic way that you cannot but look at them to understand them. This enables you, who are awake, to unravel the muddle of the current power structure on your planet.

The present crisis on your earth, in which all parties are being all at once exposed to the maximum degree – for all to see and to understand – is absolutely necessary, to make it also possible for the last soul who wishes to ascend, to become aware of the structure that keeps your planet still in place.

Many years ago, in the beginning of the ascension course, we have given you the vision and promise of the victory of the light and the Descent of the Divine into this realm. You accepted joyfully and gratefully and presumed it to be already yours, already accomplished. And you anticipated thereby its manifestation. As you know, this is how manifestation happens by law: presuming and feeling as if your desire has been already fulfilled.

This was the first step. But you forgot that this was only the beginning. As this is a process in which more than seven Billion individuals are involved, of which most have been at that time unaware of the evolutionary development, you didn’t think about the slowness of the process in this dimensional density that is necessary for the majority of humanity to awaken.

However, your impatience is understandable as you still remember your existence in the higher dimensions where manifestations occur in an instant.

You only have forgotten when you entered this dimension, that you needed patience and to adapt to its principles.

As you know, evolution and awakening starts with the rising of consciousness and conscious awareness. It is first the creative power of the mind that needs to be understood in order to be willing to change its objectives.

And this is the basis for the evolutionary process to be propelled forward. It opens the door, if enough intent for movement is created, for the cosmic impact to occur that carries the impulse for a quantum leap that in turn triggers humanity’s ascension.

Right now, “delay” and “time” are the illusions that can be compared with the function of a microscope. How? Your minds are trapped presently in the magnification process of your reality that occurs in the awareness of humanity.  And you are interpreting it as happening in “time” or “delay”.  But truly all you experience is the zooming-in into your travel through the molecular structure of the “matrix”, the hologram of your illusionary reality.

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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #251 - May 3rd, 2013 at 1:29pm
While you look through this microscope do not forget, that in truth, your new world is already here.
It Is Radiant. It Is Love. It Is Joy. It is the ever True Fabric in the Mind of God That has been always Present with you, as you Know It’s Reality.

The microscopic journey through the holographic matrix is touching the very bottom in any moment. And in that moment it will – as if it would have never existed – disappear, like the night disappears when the sun rises.

In Reality, the Sun is always Risen.
Keep this forever in your mind and heart!

We love you!

We Are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute
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it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Australian Politics

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #252 - May 3rd, 2013 at 2:31pm
Gillard, Swan and Rudd are not exactly of this world are they...... Cheesy
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Q: What is the difference between a bleeding heart left winger and a puppy?
A: A puppy stops whining after it grows up.
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #253 - May 3rd, 2013 at 7:19pm

Top Secret Memo: U.S. Govt Admits UFO Subject Is Most Highly Classified In U.S. Rated Higher Than The Hydrogen Bomb

Thursday, May 2, 2013 16:12


It’s international day at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD), in Washington, D.C., in which several individuals, including military personnel, will present testimony of UFO encounters in other countries.
At the National Press Club this week, 40 international researchers and military/agency witnesses are presenting testimony in front of a committee made up of six former members of Congress.

In the following highlight from yesterday’s testimony, researcher Grant Cameron reads from a Top Secret Canadian government memo which declares UFOs to be “the most highly classified subject in the United States”:

Canadian Project Magnet                  
Written by Morris K. Jessup         
Tuesday, 30 October 1956 06:00
The Shirley Bay "flying saucer" Monitoring Station

The UFO Annual, Morris K. Jessup, 1956

Wilbert B. Smith

(Ottawa, Ont., November 24, 1950)
Memorandum to the Controller of Telecommunications:

While in Washington attending the NARB Conference, two books were released, one titled "Behind the Flying Saucers" by Frank Scully, and the other "The Flying Saucers are Real" by Donald Keyhoe. Both books deal mostly with the sightings of unidentified objects and both books claim that flying object were of extra-terrestrial  origin and might well be space ships from another planet. Scully claimed that the preliminary studies of one saucer that fell into the hands of the united States Government indicated that they operated on some hitherto unknown magnetic principles. It appeared to me that our own work in geo-magnetics might well be the linkage between our technology and the technology by which the saucers are designed and operated. If it is assumed that our geo-magnetic investigations are in the right direction, the theory of operation of the saucers becomes quite straightforward, with all observed features explained qualitatively and quantitatively.

I made discrete inquiries through the Canadian Embassy staff in Washington who were able to obtain for me the following information;

a. The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb,

b. Flying saucers exist.

c. Their modus operandi is unknown but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Dr. Vannavar Bush.


d. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance.
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« Last Edit: May 3rd, 2013 at 7:30pm by it_is_the_light »  

ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Christ Light

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Re: UFO Disclosure
Reply #254 - May 3rd, 2013 at 7:59pm

ET Commander Says Watch Skies Around May 3 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013 10:33


Channel: Ashtar/Athena
April 30 2013
3:07 PM Mountain Time

This is Lord Ashtar who serves the Most Radiant One (the Christ) in his Mission of Love.

Greetings, Family,

This is a beautiful day in the Washington DC area and the Disclosure Hearings are being heard.

My crew and I are hovering over the National Press Club watching and listening on OUR BIG COMPUTER  to the Disclosure Hearings.

The facts are: they are doing a superb job of prooving that we do exist and are not harmful to mankind. The Congressmen, Military personnel, and others have testified that UFO’s have been observed all over your globe. These facts have been covered up by your government, files have been hidden away and some even destroyed; the people have been lied to, to prevent them from knowing the truth. All of this has, of course, been to your government’s advantage and the advantage of other heads of state.

Governments have been pretending that this lack of disclosure was for “safety reasons” under the Security Act. Another justification to compensate and cover up the truth.

Keep tuned in, beloved ones, the real truth is being heard here. Now, if truth unfolds, we here on the ships have planned that by the end of, or around, or through the 3rd of May, watch in the skies, beloved ones! Watch over the Press Club and all over your globe. The peoples of the world, will know that we are for real and that you are not alone!


Your beloved Commander, Ashtar
The Galactic Federation of Light

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